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Articles by language

  • 16-Dec-2009 Global Times
    China, Norway start sixth round of FTA talks
    Negotiators from China and Norway started in Oslo on Tuesday morning the sixth round of free trade area(FTA) talks, which will last till Thursday.
  • 16-Dec-2009 Taiwan News
    Taiwan’s opposition may besiege Presidential Office to protest talks
    Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party is planning to muster 100,000 people to take part in a march on Dec. 20 in the central city to voice the party’s opposition to the proposed cross-strait trade agreement, known as an economic cooperation framework agreement.
  • 16-Dec-2009 Radio Australia
    Taiwan fears China trade deal could cost jobs
    Unions in Taiwan say they fear there could be huge job losses if a proposed free trade agreement is signed with mainland China. Talks on the deal are scheduled for next week between senior officials from Beijing and Taipei.
  • 16-Dec-2009 Reuters
    US preparing to revisit trade pact with South Korea
    US officials are preparing for talks with South Korea to address autos and other concerns that have blocked approval of a bilateral free trade agreement, the top US trade official said on Tuesday.
  • 16-Dec-2009 FT
    Jakarta opts not to confront China on trade
    The Indonesian government will not attempt to renegotiate a free trade agreement between Southeast Asian nations and China that will go into effect on January 1, but will request a delay in eliminating import tariffs on more than 300 Chinese products, officials said on Tuesday.
  • 15-Dec-2009 Bloomberg
    US wants Japan, Malaysia, South Korea to join talks
    The US wants Japan, Malaysia and South Korea to join negotiations for a regional free-trade agreement in Asia, Trade Representative Ron Kirk said.
  • 15-Dec-2009 Bloomberg
    Obama tells Congress US will pursue Asia trade
    “TPP is about re-establishing the role of the US in the Asian region,” Calman Cohen, president of the Washington-based Emergency Committee for American Trade, told reporters Dec. 11. “If they get it right, it can be a real shot in the arm.”
  • 15-Dec-2009 Jakarta Post
    RI-China FTA rules unlikely to be delayed: China says
    While local industries are seeking a delay in the full implementation of the free trade agreement (FRA) with China, to start in January, China says this stands little chance of succeeding.
  • 15-Dec-2009 Pattaya Daily News
    Nigeria & Thailand negotiate bilateral trade agreement for rice production
    Recently the Thai Commerce Minister visited Nigeria were he discussed the proposal of a Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement — primarily involving agricultural development — with the Nigerian Minister for Commerce and Industry.
  • 15-Dec-2009 EuroPolitics
    EU and Port-au-Prince sign economic partnership agreement
    By signing, on 11 December, an economic partnership agreement with the EU, Haiti has jointed the fourteen other member states of Cariforum, the organisation of Caribbean countries, that signed the EPA in October 2008.
  • 15-Dec-2009 Reuters
    House approves renewal of Andean trade benefits
    The US House of Representatives on Monday approved a one-year extension of soon-to-expire trade benefits for Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and a long list of other developing countries.
  • 15-Dec-2009 TVNZ
    US-NZ trade talks expected to start in March
    US trade officials have formally notified the US Congress of President Barack Obama’s intention to negotiate a regional free trade deal with Vietnam, New Zealand, Singapore, Chile and three other countries in the Asia Pacific area.
  • 14-Dec-2009 Business Mirror
    RP elections cast cloud on trade pact
    Philippine elections pose uncertainty in the regional tariff regime, with neighbors wondering whether the new government next year can live up to its free-trade commitments with member-countrie
  • 14-Dec-2009 Andina
    China may displace the US as main trading partner of Peru
    On December 7, Peru’s government ratified a free trade agreement with China, noting that this decision "favors Peru’s interests." Peru is one of China’s major trading partners in Latin America.
  • 14-Dec-2009 ITUC
    Colombia’s dubious strategy to push through an FTA with the European Union
    The ITUC is appalled at the strategy used by the Colombian government to discredit the ITUC Colombian affiliates – CUT, CGT and CTC – and the National Trade Union School by sending incendiary information from a completely unrepresentative trade union to European Union Members of Parliament.
  • 14-Dec-2009 eGovMonitor
    Haiti signs the CARIFORUM–EU Economic Partnership Agreement
    Haiti today signed the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and joins the fourteen Caribbean States that signed the EPA in October 2008.
  • 14-Dec-2009 Global Times
    Single currency a step closer for ALBA nations
    The creation of a regional currency among Latin American countries drew closer over the weekend as Cuba agreed to pay for a shipment of Venezuelan rice in sucres – the new currency.
  • 14-Dec-2009 This Day
    Nigeria, Thailand partner on rice production
    Nigeria and Thailand have commenced negotiation and signing of a bilateral investment agreement in commercial agriculture in Nigeria, particularly in rice production and processing. The cooperation will be in the establishment of rice farms by the Thais in Nigeria’s free trade zones.
  • 14-Dec-2009 Economic Times
    India seeks demand list from Asean nations
    India has taken the first concrete step towards concluding a deal with the Asean for liberalising trade in services, including cross-border movement of professionals, sending a request list to all Asean members pointing out where exactly the country wants greater access.
  • 13-Dec-2009 Yonhap
    Chinese VP hopes to see S. Korea-China FTA
    Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, widely seen as in line to succeed President Hu Jintao in 2012, said he would like to see a free trade agreement between his country and South Korea in the near future.