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Articles by language

  • 26-Sep-2009
    After ASEAN, India mulls FTAs with EU, Oz
    The controversy over signing the India-ASEAN FTA has not dampened the enthusiasm of the UPA government for pursuing free trade agreements with other countries.
  • 25-Sep-2009
    Alert: Indian Government continues secret FTA negotiations
    India is secretly negotiating more than 15 economic agreements with other countries or blocks of countries. Despite strong protests against the controversial signing of an agreement on trade in goods between the Association of South East Asian Nations and India (also called ASEAN-India FTA) last August, the Government of India continues negotiating more FTAs, including with developed countries
  • 25-Sep-2009 Financial Gazette
    Zim-SA bilateral agreement doomed
    The Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (BIPPA) between Zimbabwe and South Africa, initially scheduled for signing in April and later deferred to June, is headed for total collapse as the two parties have failed to agree on the wording of Article 11 of the agreement.
  • 25-Sep-2009 Tico Times
    As China-Costa Rica trade talks push forward, so does resistance
    As deliberations over a possible free-trade agreement (FTA) between Costa Rica and China continue, opposition from some of Costa Rica’s leading business associations is growing stronger.
  • 25-Sep-2009
    The SPP is dead. Let’s keep it that way
    With virtually no fanfare or media analysis, one of the most transformative agreements ever signed by Canada and the US (and Mexico) is officially dead. Its official US government website declared last month: "The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) is no longer an active initiative. There will not be any updates to this site."
  • 25-Sep-2009 Reuters
    Ecuador criticizes Chevron arbitration claim
    Ecuador accused Chevron Corp on Thursday of filing an international arbitration claim against the country in an attempt to shield itself against losing a $27 billion environmental damage lawsuit.
  • 24-Sep-2009 Yonhap
    S. Korea to build farming infrastructure in Tanzania
    South Korea will develop 100,000 ha of farmland in Tanzania and make inroads into European markets, thanks to the EU-Korean FTA, a state-run rural development corporation said Thursday.
  • 24-Sep-2009 LiveMint
    India, Japan to start fresh talks on 29 September
    India and Japan will start a fresh round of talks on a free trade agreement on 29 September after discussions in January remained inconclusive because the countries failed to find common ground on a few contentious issues.
  • 24-Sep-2009 Financial Times
    Chevron takes Ecuador fight to arbitrators
    Chevron, the world’s third biggest oil company, said it had filed an international arbitration claim against the government of Ecuador, citing violations of the country’s obligations under the US-Ecuador bilateral investment treaty, investment agreements and international law.
  • 24-Sep-2009 Xinhua
    Thai PM says not sure when Thai-US FTA talks to resume
    It is not yet clear when talks over the free trade agreement (FTA) between Thailand and the US will resume, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said from the US on Wednesday
  • 24-Sep-2009 OpEd News
    Group urges US Trade Representative to reject FTA with Colombia
    R-CALF USA states that the US-Colombia FTA should be rejected because the agreement “completely ignores the unique characteristics of the US cattle industry and likely would harm farmers and ranchers, consumers, and the rural communities all across America that are economically dependent on a vibrant US cattle industry.”
  • 24-Sep-2009 Alberta Farm Express
    Canada launches free trade talks with Ukraine
    Canada’s farmers and farm machinery makers are among the expected beneficiaries from the launch of talks toward a free trade agreement (FTA) with Ukraine.
  • 23-Sep-2009
    Time to boost Japan-EU ties
    Yukio Hatoyama and the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) have finally taken up the reins of power after their stunning election victory Aug. 30. The promise of their manifesto is change. With politicians on top and bureaucrats on tap, Japan is to develop a proactive autonomous foreign policy that establishes a more balanced Japan-U.S. alliance, strengthens Japan’s trade relations and promotes measures to prevent global warming. Interestingly, this agenda is echoed in Brussels.
  • 22-Sep-2009
    Hansonite protest out of left field
    Signs of community concern over Chinese influence on Australian living standards are shaping up as a key domestic issue for the Rudd government as it struggles to mend its already strained relations with China.
  • 22-Sep-2009
    Tea planters seek financial cover against FTA ‘sting’
    Tea planters have sought financial support from the government to counter cheaper imports under the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that India has signed with the Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean).
  • 20-Sep-2009
    Fishermen, farmers to protest free-trade agreement
    Many fishermen and farmers’ organizations in Mangalore have taken umbrage at a move by the Union government to sign a free-trade agreement with Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN).
  • 20-Sep-2009
    FTA talk is no paradigm shift
    A subtle change in attitude by the Ministry of Economic Affairs last week over the speed with which the government has sought to sign an economic pact with China highlights the fact that the public retain the right to change government policy priorities — a reality that Typhoon Morakot brought to light.
  • 19-Sep-2009
    SACU busy with painful discussions, says Manuel
    The Southern African Customs Union (SACU) is having very painful discussions at the moment in Swaziland on its very future, said Minister in the Presidency for National Planning, Trevor Manuel.
  • 19-Sep-2009
    CARICOM considers removing obstacles for free trade in produce
    CARICOM Agriculture Ministers have begun their latest meeting in Georgetown, Guyana and are seemingly no closer to removing stubborn obstacles to the free trade of produce.
  • 18-Sep-2009
    Industry Ministry firm, still wants possible delays in FTA
    The Industry Ministry is carrying on with it’s initiative to delay the timing of tariff reductions under the free trade agreement (FTA) between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China; while the Trade Ministry says that renegotiation is not the only solution (to protect local industry).