Articles by language

Articles by language

  • 15-Jul-2008 IPS
    Peru: Social rebellion spreads nationwide
    New street protests were called for Thursday in some Amazon regions, in response to decrees issued by President Alan García, making it easier for private investors to enter the territories of native communities. The decrees were set in motion thanks to the powers granted by the legislative branch to the executive under the free trade agreement (FTA) signed with the United States. Political analysts say the government has exceeded its legal powers.
  • 15-Jul-2008 Mmegi Mobile
    Botswana, UK want fruits of EPAs
    While government officials promise the EPAs will bring more jobs and beef market openings for Botswana, Botswana unions believe they are nothing but recolonisation of ACP countries and say ’the EU is coming back to deplete our (African) resources’.
  • 15-Jul-2008 BS
    Trade pacts stifle exports to Thailand, Singapore
    Growth of exports to Thailand and Singapore has slowed after India signed bilateral duty-free agreements with these countries. But a similar pact with Sri Lanka has improved the growth in India’s exports to the island nation.
  • 15-Jul-2008 LIP
    Peru-China free trade teams advised not to rush negotiations
    The Lima Chamber of Commerce suggested today that Peru and China’s negotiating teams should not speed up the signing of a Free Trade Agreement in November as the requests of both countries have not coincided
  • 14-Jul-2008 Emirates Business 24/7
    VAT and trade pacts clash
    Imposing a value added tax (VAT) on GCC and Arab products in the UAE would be against the agreements signed by the country with other Gulf and Arab states, according to the Ministry of Economy.
  • 14-Jul-2008 Inside Costa Rica
    Truck drivers strike at Panama/Costa Rica border
    The first major disruption of the nine-month-old Costa Rican-Panamanian free trade agreement came on July 6, when approximately 200 truck drivers from Panama, Costa Rica, and other Central American countries paralyzed cargo crossing from Paso Canoas, Panama to Cerro Punta, Costa Rica.
  • 14-Jul-2008 Reuters
    EU says early partnership pact possible with Syria
    The European Union could sign a long-stalled partnership pact with Syria this year, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said on Sunday at the Paris launch of a new "Union for the Mediterranean"
  • 14-Jul-2008 Jamaica Observer
    Saga of deal with Europe
    While the majority of Caricom governments have signalled readiness to sign the EPA, reservations remain strong enough. Meanwhile, conflicting signals keep coming out of Brussels.
  • 14-Jul-2008 Jakarta Post
    Planned bilateral deal to boost Canadian investment in RI
    Canada and Indonesia are currently in talks to ink a bilateral agreement that will help protect the investments of Canadian companies in Indonesia, as well as promote Indonesia’s potential to Canadian businesses.
  • 12-Jul-2008 Xinhua
    Chile, Turkey end another round of FTA talks
    Chile and Turkey ended the second round of negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement on Friday, the Chilean Foreign Ministry said, adding that "It’s very important to integrate the private sectors in this process, because they will take advantage of the FTA."
  • 12-Jul-2008 7th Space
    Central America: Commission holds fourth round of negotiations for an Association Agreement
    The European Commission, negotiating on behalf of the European Union, and Central America will meet in Brussels from 14 to 18 July 2008 for a fourth round of negotiations in view of an Association Agreement between the two regions.
  • 12-Jul-2008 Bangkok Post
    CP adding feed plants in India
    The Charoen Pokphand Group, Thailand’s largest agribusiness conglomerate, is preparing to expand in India by establishing two more animal feed plants.
  • 11-Jul-2008 FPIF
    Mad cows, mad people
    Through the prism of beef, Koreans confront the limitations of key contemporary institutions: democracy, capitalism, and nationalism.
  • 11-Jul-2008 Manila Bulletin
    21-member APEC pushes trade agenda
    The 21-member countries of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), seen to be playing a crucial role in pushing for the conclusion of the stalled Doha Development Round of the WTO, are moving ahead with its agenda of improving market access and substantial reductions in market-distorting measures in agricultural trade in light of the soaring food prices.
  • 11-Jul-2008 Reuters
    Business begins push for post-Bush trade deals
    A US business group outlined a plan on Thursday to restore White House trade negotiating authority that was badly damaged in a fight between President George W. Bush and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over a free trade pact with Colombia.
  • 11-Jul-2008 The Edge Daily
    Asean-Australia-New Zealand FTA near conclusion: Rudd
    The ongoing negotiations on the free trade agreement (FTA) between Asean countries and Australia-New Zealand (ANZ) are expected to be concluded in the near term, said Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.
  • 11-Jul-2008 CalTradeReport
    US, China sign energy, environment accord
    The US and China have signed a framework for an agreement to define cooperation on energy and environmental issues and will soon launch negotiations to reach a comprehensive investment and financial services treaty.
  • 11-Jul-2008
    EU/US FTAs and Malaysian SMEs
    Malaysia is currently negotiating an FTA with the USA and the European Union and as with any North-South FTAs their scope are extensive. The Third World Network has produced a preliminary report looking at the likely impact of these FTAs on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia.
  • 11-Jul-2008 Stuff
    Hidden hooks emerge in China FTA
    New Zealand’s free-trade agreement with China contains hidden hooks that could seriously damage the country’s tourism, building and manufacturing industries.
  • 11-Jul-2008 Stuff
    Threat to plans for trade pact
    Indonesia’s ban on New Zealand beef could threaten plans to sign a lucrative free-trade pact with South-east Asian nations this year, industry officials say.