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Eleven days till Free Trade and doubts linger on

Dominican Today, Dominican Republic

Eleven days till Free Trade and doubts linger on

19 June 2006

Santo Domingo.- Only eleven days before the scheduled date for entering the DR-CAFTA trade accord, officials doubt that the stipulated time slot will be met, because, according to them, the Dominican Republic is in no condition to render to new U.S. exigencies by July 1st.

The Dominican chief of Trade Negotiations, Julio Ortega Tous, indicated that it is almost impossible that the country begin by the designated dated, as there are still some issues under discussion.

Ortega Tous stated that certain legislations required for participating in the accord lie in Congress and have not been approved yet.

Also alleged is a conflict of interpretation, whereby U.S. authorities require that every aspect be approved by law, while for the Dominican Republic, the FTA itself has constitutional force.

In turn, Exports and Investment Center advisor Horacio Alvarez affirmed that certain legislations are still under discussion, such as law 173 on commercial representation, 65-00 on industrial property and 20-00 on merchandise registry, and “which take time to adequate to exigencies put forth by the United States.”
