Agencia Andina | 2 Sep 2013
Peru starts talks on FTA with Russia, Turkey, Israel
Lima, Sep. 02 (ANDINA). — Peru’s Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Magali Silva, said that Peru has started the first talks toward an eventual free trade agreement between Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, India, Indonesia, Turkey and Israel.
Silva noted that there are sensitive issues that will be excluded from the negotiations, such as textile imports from India, Indonesia and Turkey, which may affect the national production.
She said that the free trade agreement negotiations with these countries will benefit the Andean country in many aspects, like the technology of India.
Silva stressed that Indonesia has made progress in cooperative subjects and can provide consulting services for micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and create partnerships for innovation.
Peru will also hold talks with the Gulf Cooperation Council, comprising six countries: Bahasa, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.
Meanwhile, negotiations with Latin American countries include Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua.