AFL-CIO and ETUC | 10 July 2014
Ahead of EU-US trade negotiations the American and European trade unions AFL-CIO and ETUC have issued a Declaration of Joint Principles.
“An agreement that follows these tenets finally could be the people-centred agreement that working families beset by too few jobs, stagnant wages, broken promises and busted contracts are looking for. An agreement that replicates the corporate-privilege policies of the past will again fail to help workers and communities and surely face much greater opposition.”
– ETUC/AFL-CIO Declaration of Joint Principles: http://www.etuc.org/sites/www.etuc.org/files/document/files/afl-cio_ttip_report_uk_1.pdf
– AFL-CIO press release: http://www.aflcio.org/Press-Room/Press-Releases/AFL-CIO-and-ETUC-Release-Joint-Principles-for-Trans-Atlantic-Trade-and-Investment-Partnership
– AFL-CIO blog entry: http://www.aflcio.org/Blog/Political-Action-Legislation/If-TTIP-Trade-Deal-Puts-People-Before-Profits-It-Can-Work-Say-AFL-CIO-and-ETUC