South Africa, India and Brazil - the IBSA FTA

tralac 03/04/2007

South Africa, India and Brazil - the IBSA FTA

Ron Sandrey, Hans Jensen

Examining the India, Brazil and South African (IBSA) Triangular Trading Relationship

Following a comprehensive examination of the most recent merchandise trade flows between the relevant countries this paper uses a computer model to look at the possible economic results from removing all merchandise tariff barriers between the three partners of India, Brazil and South Africa/SACU. We have ignored the political complication of Brazil also belonging to a free trade agreement and we have not modelled the estimation and removal of non-tariff barriers, services trade or some of the more sophisticated but speculative gains from technological change or other dynamic effects. Recent research, some of which is cited in the paper, has highlighted that most of these fancier assumptions are misleading to policy makers.

Read the full working paper Examining the India, Brazil and South African (IBSA) Triangular Trading Relationship ( PDF 269kb).

source : tralac

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