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Bilateral deal-making involving governments of Latin America, the US and Canada.

last update: May 2012

Photo: rabble / CC BY-SA 2.0

Caribbean and Mercosur discuss free trade agreement
Caricom and Mercosur officials held talks Friday about establishing a free trade agreement by the end of the year.
US reject 4+1 agreement with Mercosur
United States is not interested in reaching an agreement with Mercosur and prefers to concentrate in the Free Trade Association of the Americas, FTAA, said Peter Allgeier Washington’s Trade Representative.
CARICOM considers FTA with US, Canada
As the outlook for the Free Trade Area of the Americas continues to be shrouded in uncertainty, CARICOM is looking to bilateral Free Trade Agreements as a means of improving market access for countries in the region.
Chile, Peru to start FTA negotiations in January
Chile and Peru will start negotiations on a free trade agreement (FTA) in January, local press cited Chilean Foreign Minister Ignacio Walker as saying on Saturday.
Mercosur and Andean Community sign free trade pact
South America’s two large trade blocs, the Mercosur and Andean Community of Nations (CAN), have signed an agreement to phase out all import tariffs over the next 15 years, with a view towards eventually creating an immense free trade zone in the region.
Latin American bishops caution against effects of free trade pacts
Citing possible harmful effects on the poor, Latin American bishops pledged to help grass-roots groups have an effective voice in free trade agreements being promoted in the Western Hemisphere.
Letter to USTR, State and Commerce on the threat to bilateral investment treaties posed by EU enlargement
Letter to USTR, State and Commerce on the threat to Bilateral Investment Treaties posed by E.U. Enlargement.
Mayan Indians take control of Chixoy Dam
Mayans take control of Dam in Guatemala and demand retribution for massacres and a stop to construction of new hydro electric dams along the river.
T&T: Parliamentary OK for trade pacts
Trinidad & Tobago’s Constitution has to remove from the Executive the power to make unilateral decisions on trade and investment.
Analysis: Laser-Guided Liberalization and Latin America
While the US military unleashed laser-guided weapons of mass destruction on the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush Administration’s aggressive international trade and investment agenda has developed some “smart bombs” of its own.


  • Americans For Free Trade
    A broad coalition of American businesses, trade organizations, and workers united against tariffs.
  • Americas Policy Program
    The Americas Program of the Center for International Policy is a leading source of information for activists, academics and citizens concerned about US foreign policy toward Latin America and movements for social justice within the hemisphere.
  • Biodiversidad en América Latina
  • Bloque Verde
    No hay ambiente para el TLC en Costa Rica
  • Citizens Trade Campaign - Bilateral Agreements
    The Citizens Trade Campaign is a US coalition of environmental, labor, consumer, family farm, religious, and other civil society groups founded in 1992 during the fight over the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • Consejo de Investigaciones e Información en Desarrollo -CIID -
    Institución que impulsa el desarrollo de Guatemala y Centroamérica, a través de la investigación y la promoción de programas de desarrollo
  • Costa Rica Solidaria - NO al TLC
    Esta semana lo más relevante de nuestra lucha
  • Ecuador contra el TLC - Movilizaciones de Marzo 2006
  • GMA
    The Grocery Manufacturers of America is a major lobby group on US FTAs
  • LATN
    The Latin American Trade Network is an independent and interdisciplinary research network
  • Movimiento Cultura frente al TLC
    El Movimiento Cultura frente al TLC es un colectivo de artistas que viaja por las comunidades llevando música, teatro, poesía, danza, pintura y talleres, informando a l@s costarricenses sobre las graves consecuencias que tendría para nuestro país la aplicación del Tratado de "Libre" "Comercio" (TLC)
  • NFTC
    The National Foreign Trade Council is a US business organisation lobbying the US government on its foreign trade policy
  • Trrade for People and Planet
    We want trade deals to be democratic, to benefit working people and the environment. We need to revolutionize the trade model and create a new global economy based on collaboration and ecological well-being.
  • US State Department Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs
    The Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs ensures that the overall foreign policy goals of the U.S. Government are factored into the development of U.S. bilateral trade policy.
  • US-Japan Business Council
    USJBC has been pushing for a US-Japan FTA
  • USTR
  • USTR National Trade Estimate Report
    Annual assessment of obstacles to US trade interests in foreign countries