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Bilateral deal-making involving governments of Latin America, the US and Canada.

last update: May 2012

Photo: rabble / CC BY-SA 2.0

In Washington, ‘free trade’ is no longer gospel
Like its predecessor, the Biden administration has largely dispensed with the idea of free trade as a goal in and of itself.
Biden to focus on trade enforcement after years of Trump tariffs
President Joe Biden’s administration is setting up its trade policy to prioritize enforcement of existing commitments by the US’s partners over negotiating more deals to open new export markets.
Will a US-Ecuador trade deal lead to a broader pact?
How likely are the two countries to engage in talks for a broader trade agreement in the near future, and how would that differ from the phase-one treaty?
Joe Biden says trade agreements are not a priority, in blow to Boris Johnson’s hopes of a post-Brexit deal
‘I’m not going to enter any new trade agreement with anybody until we have made major investments here at home’
Free trade is killing American manufacturing
The real winners of free trade are the wealthy in all of the trading countries—not the citizens, workers, or manufacturing.
Major US trade deal with Brazil unlikely: USTR
The US administration is holding talks with Brazil on trade in ethanol and sugar, but a broader free trade deal is unlikely in the near future, US trade representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer said.
US to sign limited trade deal with Brazil
The new pact is expected to ease trade barriers, strengthen regulation and crack down on corruption.
Uruguayan Foreign Minister talks trade with US’ Pompeo
Uruguayan Foreign Minister Francisco Bustillo and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have met in Washington to discuss deepening commercial ties, the Uruguayan Foreign Ministry said
How trade policy failed US workers— and how to fix it
Over the last several decades, US trade policies have failed most Americans. Under the guise of “free trade,” special interests have captured trade policy to extract wealth at home and abroad and left working people to bear the costs.
CDB, IDB sign agreement to support economic development in Caricom
The Barbados-based Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) on Monday signed an agreement with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to support economic development and integration of the Caribbean Community (Caricom).


  • Americans For Free Trade
    A broad coalition of American businesses, trade organizations, and workers united against tariffs.
  • Americas Policy Program
    The Americas Program of the Center for International Policy is a leading source of information for activists, academics and citizens concerned about US foreign policy toward Latin America and movements for social justice within the hemisphere.
  • Biodiversidad en América Latina
  • Bloque Verde
    No hay ambiente para el TLC en Costa Rica
  • Citizens Trade Campaign - Bilateral Agreements
    The Citizens Trade Campaign is a US coalition of environmental, labor, consumer, family farm, religious, and other civil society groups founded in 1992 during the fight over the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • Consejo de Investigaciones e Información en Desarrollo -CIID -
    Institución que impulsa el desarrollo de Guatemala y Centroamérica, a través de la investigación y la promoción de programas de desarrollo
  • Costa Rica Solidaria - NO al TLC
    Esta semana lo más relevante de nuestra lucha
  • Ecuador contra el TLC - Movilizaciones de Marzo 2006
  • GMA
    The Grocery Manufacturers of America is a major lobby group on US FTAs
  • LATN
    The Latin American Trade Network is an independent and interdisciplinary research network
  • Movimiento Cultura frente al TLC
    El Movimiento Cultura frente al TLC es un colectivo de artistas que viaja por las comunidades llevando música, teatro, poesía, danza, pintura y talleres, informando a l@s costarricenses sobre las graves consecuencias que tendría para nuestro país la aplicación del Tratado de "Libre" "Comercio" (TLC)
  • NFTC
    The National Foreign Trade Council is a US business organisation lobbying the US government on its foreign trade policy
  • Trrade for People and Planet
    We want trade deals to be democratic, to benefit working people and the environment. We need to revolutionize the trade model and create a new global economy based on collaboration and ecological well-being.
  • US State Department Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs
    The Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs ensures that the overall foreign policy goals of the U.S. Government are factored into the development of U.S. bilateral trade policy.
  • US-Japan Business Council
    USJBC has been pushing for a US-Japan FTA
  • USTR
  • USTR National Trade Estimate Report
    Annual assessment of obstacles to US trade interests in foreign countries