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Singapore and Argentina to boost economic ties
Singapore and Argentina Prime Ministers welcomed the progress made on negotiations for a bilateral investment treaty and said they expect to conclude talks by the first half of next year.
Thousands protest in Argentina during G20 Summit
Members of 70 different groups joined forces to call attention to a range of concerns, from workers’ rights to climate change.
Anti-G20 protesters prepare to march on Buenos Aires
Thousands of anti-capitalist activists will take to the streets of Buenos Aires today as part of a week-long set of demonstrations against the G20 Leaders Summit.
Latin America’s protectionists want Trump-style trade deals
Brazil, Argentina see Mercosur nations doing individual pacts. Growing support across trade bloc for pro-trade reforms.
Argentina, China vow to strengthen cooperation
Argentina attaches importance to the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative and believes that strengthening Belt and Road cooperation between the two countries will invigorate the further development of bilateral relations.
UK foreign secretary seeks trade agreements in Chile, Latin America
Britain’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson concluded a five-day charm offensive in Latin America by expressing interest in a trade agreement with Chile and other countries in Latin America’s so-called Pacific Alliance.
‘China is just as important to South America as the US’: why Argentina is keen to start talks on free-trade agreement
Argentina’s ambassador to Beijing defends China’s global ambitions as he signals Latin American common market is keen to strengthen economic ties.
Argentina shows interest in FTA with Morocco
Argentina is interested in signing a free trade agreement with Morocco in order to foster bilateral trade, said Argentinian Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie who is on a visit to Rabat.
Argentina: Japan wants to invest in energy and mining sector, says secretary
Argentina and Japan are moving ahead with a bilateral investment treaty.
Suez accepts 25% haircut from Argentina to end dispute
French co. agreed to $275 million to settle 12-year dispute. Engie is the biggest shareholder in water, sewer company.
ITUC emergency resolution on MC11 disaccreditation
The ITUC General Council adopted an emergency resolution strongly condemning Argentina’s decision to deny accreditation to more than 60 civil society representatives to the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference.
Neoliberal Argentina bans NGOs from WTO summit in last-minute ’unprecedented’ move
"The government may prevent us from coming to Buenos Aires, but they won’t stop us from mobilizing our local communities," said one organizer whose visa was denied.
World Bank orders Argentina to pay $320 mln over seized airline
The World Bank’s arbitration tribunal has ordered Argentina to pay $320 million plus interest and legal fees to Spanish travel group Marsans for expropriating its airline Aerolineas Argentinas SA in 2008.
Argentina bonds for sale to pay money owed Total
Citigroup offered US$200m of Argentina bonds for sale as part of an arbitration agreement to help settle the sovereign’s obligations to French oil company Total.
Argentina’s congress ratifies Mercosur-Egypt agreement
Argentina was the only signatory country that hadn’t yet ratified the free trade agreement, which can now go into effect.
US to ask Argentina to expedite approval for patenting of seeds
The opening of the US market to Argentine beef exports and its continued openness to biodiesel from this country will be made conditional on a demand that Argentina change its legislation to expedite the approval of patents on seeds waiting in the pipeline.
Is international investment law moving the ball forward on IHRL obligations for business enterprises?
While the debate on the treaty regulating business impact on human rights is likely to continue for a while longer, some recent developments in international investment law seem to be moving forward on international human rights law obligations for businesses
Mexico, looking south, sees trade deal with Argentina around year’s end
Mexico, seeking closer ties with the rest of Latin America, expects to finish negotiations on a trade deal with Argentina involving cars and agricultural products around the end of the year.
Call to action! Let’s put a stop to the WTO’s agenda and to Free Trade Agreements and investment provisions!
Let’s build commercial relations that serve peoples’ interests and protect the environment! In 2017, let’s bring the ‘battle in Seattle’ to Buenos Aires!
Argentina is back in the BIT negotiation arena
The recent signature of the Argentina-Qatar Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) and the imminent signature of an Argentina-Japan BIT represent a shift in Argentina’s BIT policy.