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Vote on disputed CETA trade agreement sparks controversy
The impending vote has sparked anger from environmental organisations. Stop TTIP/CETA and Votum Klima for instance called the vote a political scandal.
Canada notifies US and Mexico it has ratified revised NAFTA
Canada notified the United States and Mexico that it has finished its ratification process and is now ready to implement the measures in the revised North American trade agreement.
Will Canada’s grain farmers be collateral damage in the rush to pass Bill C-4?
Bill C-4 - the legislation to implement the Canada-US-Mexico trade agreement - makes it so Canada must treat all American-grown grain as if it were Canadian-grown.
Canadian Parliament rushes through ratification of USMCA trade pact
The Canadian Parliament rushed through ratification of the new US-Mexico-Canada trade pact before taking a three-week break to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.
2019 annual results
Gabriel has provided notice to Romania of a dispute with regard to Romania’s application to UNESCO in relation to Roşia Montană and has reserved its right to commence a further arbitration.
South American bloc’s new trade appetite has suitors calling
Mercosur is negotiating with South Korea, Canada and Singapore, while Indonesia and Vietnam are possible candidates. Plus, a deal with the European Free Trade Association is in its final stages.
CETA: "Fake news" and "Canada bashing"?
Many are getting the message that being against CETA is not being against Canadians or European friendship but about being against a blueprint for trade that usurps power from democratic bodies and gives it to large multinational companies.
Canada strives to modernize free trade agreement with Ukraine
The Government of Canada launches public consultations on possible modernization of the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement.
ExxonMobil, Canada enter landmark settlement in NAFTA arbitration
As a long-running dispute between Exxon Mobil Corp. and the government of Canada reached a multimillion-dollar settlement, lawyers for ExxonMobil announced.
Canada using CETA to attack European food safety rules, new documents reveal
New documents reveal that Canadian regulators have been using the agreement to weaken European food safety regulations.
Dutch politicians divided on free trade agreement with Canada
The Lower House of Dutch Parliament is debating CETA. A storm of criticism has arisen against CETA since 2017, from politicians, economists and environmental organizations to part of SMEs and small farmers’ organizations.
US energy secretary hopes Mexico, Canada will help export American coal
Canada and Mexico could help export US coal to Asia via USMCA to get around the blocking of shipments by West Coast states, US Energy Secretary said.
Canada, Ethiopia to start negotiating investment agreement: Trudeau
Prime Minister Trudeau brought the promise of an investment agreement with Ethiopia, as he continued his bid to get African votes for Canada‘s attempt to win a United Nations Security Council seat.
Britain wants Canada-style trade deal with EU - minister
Britain wants a Canada-style agreement with the European Union that includes goods and services.
CETA puts pressure on precautionary principle, glyphosate implicated
The changes joint committees are allowed to make to the CETA-text are in effect very far-reaching and at the same time binding, so they take up the role of legislator.
Post-Brexit EU-UK trade deal based on CETA would be bad news
The EU-UK trade talks begin with the UK objective to use the corporate-friendly EU-Canada agreement CETA as a template. This is not a good start for democracy nor the public interest.
Brexit battle returns with UK and EU sparring over trade
The UK and the European Union begin their battle over a future trade deal, setting up 11 months of negotiations that risk ending in economically damaging failure at the end of the year.
CETA: Rights for Canadian multinationals
CETA strengthens the legal position of North American companies in the EU and exposes European governments and taxpayers to potential claims.
Canada kicks off USMCA ratification process, urges bi-partisan co-operation
Canada’s minority Liberal government kicked off the ratification process for a new continental trade pact and urged opposition lawmakers to formally approve the deal as quickly as possible.
Is Canada on losing end of CETA free trade agreement with EU?
In Canada, farmers criticise the non-tariff barriers imposed by the EU and say the win-win deal that was promised is taking too long to materialise.