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Canadian legislators urge their French counterparts to reject CETA
As the French National Assembly gets ready to vote Wednesday on ratifying a landmark free trade deal between Canada and the European Union, a group of Canadian opposition legislators is urging their French counterparts to reject the agreement.
Argentina’s Macri flags free trade deal talks with United States, China
Argentina is talking with Brazil about free trade deals with the United States and China, Macri said, also underlining progress on trade deals with Canada, South Korea and Europe.
Ukraine, Canada to work on expansion of FTA agreement to services, investments
Ukraine and Canada will work on deepening economic cooperation and expansion of the bilateral free trade agreement to the sphere of services and investments, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said.
Canada is refusing to roll over its EU trade agreement for the UK if there’s a no-deal Brexit
UK officials are "furious" at Canada’s decision, but it reflects the confusion around trade policy after the failure of Theresa May’s Brexit strategy.
Mercosur in talks with Canada, South Korea about trade deals: Brazil official
The Mercosur trade bloc is in talks with other countries including Canada and South Korea regarding new trade agreements.
CETA and Mercosur meat quotas expose France’s double standards
While France is challenging the meat quotas provided for in the EU-Mercosur trade agreement, it plans to ratify the EU-Canada free trade agreement (CETA), which has been criticised by French beef producers.
Canada’s updated trade agreement with Israel violates international law
The agreement allows goods and services produced in the Israeli settlements to enter Canada on the same tariff-free terms as goods and services originating in Israel.
NAFTA bill lets Trudeau cabinet wait and see what US Congress does Social Sharing
US Democrats fear higher drug prices, trying to change text of trade deal
Canada takes first step toward ratifying new North American trade deal
Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland presented what is known as a “ways and means motion” to the House of Commons, which opens the way for the formal presentation of a bill.
The new Canada-US trade relationship looks like the old one – and that’s a victory
Canada finished the renegotiation of NAFTA. It was touch-and-go at times, with Mexico City and Washington at one point cutting Ottawa out of the loop, but the deal ultimately reached wasn’t far off the NAFTA status quo.
’Beef and pork for cheese deal’ sours as strict EU health rules hinder Canadian exports under CETA
But as exports to the EU lag, shipments of pork and beef to Japan have spiked under the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership.
New report: Secret regulatory talks threaten public protections
Regulatory cooperation has provided a forum for multinational business interests to influence government regulators in secretive committees that largely exclude consumer, environmental and other civil society representatives.
Canadian pork exports to Japan catching up to the United States under CPTPP
Economists had warned that the preferential tariff treatment the bloc enjoyed would threaten the market share of American producers
Trade pact with Europe could be hurt by climate action infighting: McKenna
Canadian dithering about climate action could put France’s support for the Canada-Europe free trade agreement at risk, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says.
New report exposes mining companies suing Latin American countries where communities defend land and environment
We analyzed 38 multi-million dollar claims brought by the mining industry using ISDS and other investment protection laws; in over half, communities are fighting to protect Indigenous territory, water, and more.
Canadian mining companies are behaving badly in the Global South—and Wall Street is profiting from it
Canadian investors have frequently used the ISDS system to pursue their commercial interests abroad—too often to challenge responsible government policies taken in the public interest in developing countries.
Compatibility with EU law is not real issue with ISDS
But legality should not be our main concern here. There are much better approaches to international investment and we should be considering them.
EU top Court misses opportunity to protect democracy in EU-Canada trade ruling
In a disappointing judgment, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) has ruled today that the investment court system in the Canadian EU trade agreement (CETA) is compatible with EU law.
The ECJ verdict changes nothing – ISDS may not be illegal but it is immoral
The judgement is disappointing but The case against ISDS (or its rebranded version ICS) has never been primarily a legal one. It is a moral one.
European companies quick to seize opportunities of new trade deal with Canada
Canadians have complained that European barriers to trade, especially in the areas of agriculture, have impeded Canada’s ability to take advantage of the new markets.