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US-China tech war: why a digital trade deal with Japan and South Korea is key to gaining the upper hand
In this competition over standards, whichever nation first strikes a trilateral deal with technology leaders Japan and South Korea will secure a strategic chokepoint in the digital architecture of Asia.
Tech liability shield has no place in trade deals, groups say
The organizations said including a legal shield for tech companies in trade deals “reflects a broad effort by the big tech platforms to use ‘trade negotiations’ to limit domestic policy options.”
S. Korea seeks to join DEPA, promote digital trade
South Korea held a public hearing on its bid to join a global pact on the digital trade sector that covers a wider array of issues beyond conventional free trade agreements.
Digital trade deal ripe for the Indo-Pacific
US Trade Representative has raised digital trade as an area of potential future cooperation in her coversations thus far with Asian partners.
US, Central Asian countries agree to focus on digital trade issues
Trade officials in the meeting of the US-Central Asia Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) discussed the importance of digital trade for achieving broad-based inclusive economic growth and innovation.
WTO plurilateral ecommerce draft consolidated text
Some WTO Members are negotiating rules on ecommerce. This is the draft consolidated text as of 14 December 2020.
WTO plurilateral ecommerce stocktake text
Some WTO Members are negotiating rules on ecommerce. This is the draft stocktake text as of August 2020.
Regional trade pact will pave way for digital yuan
The RCEP will undoubtedly pave the way for China’s new digital yuan expansion throughout Asia.
Mexican social media plan violates North America trade deal, industry says
A Latin American social media industry group that includes Facebook and Twitter said a reform in Mexico would violate an international trade pact, in swift backlash to a draft bill that seeks to regulate social media platforms.
Google could use ISDS to sue Australia for millions over regulation for payment of news content
Google’s Singapore subsidiary could use a controversial ISDS provision in the Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement to demand millions in compensation over proposed Australian regulation for payment of news content.
How Google could sue Australia for billions
Google and Facebook could sue the government for billions of dollars over a proposed law to force the digital giants to pay publishers for displaying news content, by seizing on investment clauses in the Australia-Singapore trade agreement.
US attacks Australia’s ’extraordinary’ plan to make Google and Facebook pay for news
The US has said the proposed legislation could run counter to the US-Australia free trade agreement.
Cross-border data exchange: Regulatory options in international collaboration
German industry group BDI wants the EU to ban localization requirements and other limits to the free flow of data across borders.
Singapore and New Zealand to enter digital trade agreement
The Digital Economy Partnership Agreement between New Zealand, Singapore, and Chile will enter into force today.
UK starts new trade ties with Asia post-Brexit
Britain hopes Singapore and Vietnam deals will bring it closer to joining Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Digital trade top agenda item in pending Canada-UK trade talks
When Canada and Britain begin negotiations as early as next year on a bilateral, post-Brexit trade deal, digital trade will be a top priority.
EU reportedly seeks to side with US on tech against China, revive parts of TTIP
A cooperation plan between Brussels and Washington reportedly includes attempts to revive parts of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) that focus on regulatory cooperation regarding new technologies.
New UK-Japan trade agreement could be disaster for data protection
One prominent digital-privacy group is warning that a new trade deal between the United Kingdom and Japan could result in an “existential threat” to British data privacy.
The future is digital, but we should keep digital chapters out of our trade deals
We must ensure that, as we enter a new phase in the digital disruption of the economy, we do not shackle our democratic institutions from regulating the digital sphere.
US seeks to stop Kenya’s digital taxation plans in FTA deal
Kenya’s plans to tax digital services could hit a brick wall following its negotiations for a free trade deal with the US.