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Could haze in Asia give rise to treaty claims?
The smoke haze that has engulfed Singapore, Malaysia and other parts of Southeast Asia for two months could violate international law and be the subject of an investment treaty claim against Indonesia.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the environment: an assessment of commitments and trade agreement enforcement
Like TPP, U.S. free trade agreement (FTA) formed in the past two decades have similarly promised meaningful and enforceable labor and environmental safeguards.
Free trade: the hidden costs to our oceans and climate
With almost half of our carbon emissions and over 90 percent of our planet’s warming being absorbed by the ocean, the cheap goods on our grocery store shelves might not be such a good deal after all.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership poses a grave threat to sustainable development
It is essential that future trade deals promote human development, access to knowledge, public health, human development, and climate action.
3 Ways the TPP Will Hurt the Climate—If We Let It Pass
The Trans Pacific Partnership is in climate denial - nowhere in its more than 5,000 pages does it mention climate change.
How the Trans-Pacific Partnership will—and won’t—protect wildlife
New 12-country trade deal has protections for wildlife built in, but it’s unclear if they’ll be enforced.
Secret TPP text unveiled: it’s worse than we thought
Long-awaited text reveals gaps between Administration claims and actual TPP terms on key public concerns
Details of Trans-Pacific Partnership text finally released
The final text of a huge 12-country trade agreement has confirmed the "worst nightmares" of environmental groups, with no mention of climate change in its lone environment chapter and weak enforcement mechanisms
Lawyer claims part of new trade deal ‘creates an alternative court system’
Parts of a controversial new trade deal being negotiated between the European Union and the United States are illegal, it has been claimed.
TTIP: EU negotiators appear to break environmental pledge in leaked draft
As Miami talks wind up, environmental safeguards are ‘virtually non-existent’ in trade deal negotiating text for sustainable development, lawyers say
Powerful pesticide lobby attacks bee-saving regulations at Miami trade talks
U.S. and European Union trade negotiators appear to be actively considering adopting the agenda of chemical and pesticide industry lobbyists.
Environmentalists: the trans-Pacific trade agreement is a disaster for climate change
Opponents of the TPP say its a sweetheart deal for fossil fuel companies.
El Salvador vs Pacific Rim: the price of saying ‘no’ to a gold mine
El Salvador is defending itself against a US$301m lawsuit filed after it blocked a mining project to protect the country’s heavy-polluted water supply. The imminent verdict will set a precedent amid a growing trend of companies suing governments when they can’t exploit their natural resources.
Toxic waste dumped on poorest Ecuadoreans for 26 years but Chevron has yet to pay
Canadians must now counter Chevron’s inevitable propaganda campaign as the legal battle continues.
TTIP poised to gut US states’ ability to protect on toxic chemicals
EU proposals for EU-US trade deal threaten democratic process for protecting people and the environment
Paris Climate Summit: New report protects climate legislation from trade deals
A new report formulates an innovative trade deal exemption clause that allows countries to pursue environmental and climate change policy free from the chilling effects resulting from investor-state dispute settlement provisions in trade agreements.
UN expert says ’no’ to free trade deals ignoring Human Rights treaty obligation
United Nations Independent Expert Alfred de Zayas Thursday urged the UN system and Governments across the world to radically reform the international investment regime
Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership an environmental pollution pass for corporations?
Critics of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement are skeptical saying the agreement will be harmful to the environment and economically benefits large corporations.
Ecuadorians can sue Chevron in Canada, Supreme Court rules
Ecuadorian villagers can sue Chevron and its Canadian subsidiary in an Ontario court to enforce a $9.5-billion (U.S.) judgment from Ecuador.
Trading up for a better deal than Trans-Pacific pact
As the dust settles on the fight in Congress over Fast Track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, we have an opportunity to think anew about what good trade policy could be.