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indigenous peoples

Maori leaders dismiss TPP at Northland hui
Northlanders delivered on being the most raucous opponents to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, during a Government jaunt to Whangarei to promote the deal.
Kelsey claims Government seeking to stymie Waitangi Tribunal report on TPPA
The Government has given the Waitangi Tribunal just three weeks to produce its report on a claim brought by prominent Maori that the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement violates the Crown’s obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi.
Waitangi Tribunal begins urgent TPP inquiry
Māori claimants are lining up to challenge the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in the Waitangi Tribunal.
Indigenous Peoples’ land and resource rights in Latin America
The impacts of free trade agreements.
The TPPA and Waitangi Day
Free trade cannot be at the expense of a government’s domestic obligations, for example, its obligation to fulfil Treaty rights of Maori.
Forget about joining TPP
Indigenous Maori people angry about the so-called "free trade" treaty asked Mr Key to refrain from bragging about the TPP at Waitangi Day ceremonies.
Voice of protest returns to Waitangi shores
The voice of protest made its way along the Bay of Islands to its traditional home on the shores of Waitangi, to Te Tii Marae. At the centre of the protest was the TPP agreement.
Ngapuhi considers Waitangi day protest if TPP signed
A Ngapuhi elder is threatening to block the Government from Te Tii Marae on Waitangi Day if the Trans Pacific Partnership is signed, saying the signing is a breach of the Treaty of Waitangi.
The TPPA is a death sentence for Indigenous Rights
Tangata whenua are strongly opposed to the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. The TPPA is a death sentence for Indigenous Rights
EU-Guyana trade deal must protect land rights, activists say
A potential trade pact between the European Union and Guyana must contain land rights protections for local residents in order to avert the possible displacement of indigenous people.
Trading away land rights
TPP, investment agreements, and the governance of land
Lack of local land rights harms fight against poverty, climate change - researchers
Indigenous people and local communities lack legal rights to almost three quarters of their traditional lands, sparking social conflict and undermining international plans to curb poverty, hunger and climate change.
NZ: Crown defends TPP secrecy at Waitangi Tribunal hearing
Maori individuals and organisations from around the motu have filed claims alleging the trade deal will jeopardise their Treaty rights, while the Crown says it will not.
No TPP delay for Waitangi - Crown
The Crown will not delay any commitment to sign the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement until the Waitangi Tribunal can decide on whether to hear an inquiry into the agreement.
Land rights and investment treaties: exploring the interface
New IIED report finds that investment treaties can have far-reaching implications for land reform, for public action to address “land grabbing” and more generally for land governance frameworks.
TAIHOA to TPPA - application for urgent Treaty hearing
A group of esteemed Māori leaders and academics, including Dr Papaarangi Reid, Moana Jackson, Rikirangi Gage, Angeline Greensill, Hone Harawira and Moana Maniapoto have filed a claim and application for urgent hearing today in the Waitangi Tribunal.
Chevron’s "fight it out on the ice" strategy for Ecuador case is slipping, fast
In Chevron’s massive international arbitration directly against the government of Ecuador, it has gotten everything it has asked for from the panel of arbitrators — until last week.
First Nations puts China on notice over Canada-China FIPA
Both the Hupacasath First Nation and the Onihcikiskwapowin have sent letters to the Premier of China stating that they do not recognise the bilateral investment treaty signed between Canada and China.
Hupacasath First Nation puts China on notice over FIPA
The Hupacasath First Nation put the Chinese government on notice today, stating it does not acknowledge the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) ratified by Prime Minister Stephen Harper last month.
FIPA undermines sovereignty of Canada, First Nations
Don Davies, Canadian Member of Parliament for the New Democratic Party, discusses the approval of the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) and its future impact on Canada and First Nations.