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Mercosur and Unasur establish a platform for the joint purchase of medicines
The historic decision to break barriers to improve access to costly medicines was taken during the “First Extraordinary Meeting of the Ministers of the Common Market of the South (Mercosur).
It’s not just Europeans who will feel the consequences of TTIP
One element of TTIP has been largely ignored – the deal’s impact on developing countries.
US industry body says India agreed to not issue ’compulsory’ drug licences
India has given private assurances that it will not grant licences allowing local firms to override patents and make cheap copies of drugs by big Western drugmakers.
Revisions needed in IP compliance
Revision of the legal framework on intellectual property is recommended to ensure compliance with the EU – Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement.
The TPP kills
It’s no joke. The consequence that the Transpacific Treaty on Economic Cooperation (the English acronym for which is the TPP) recently signed by 12 countries in the Pacific Ocean, including Mexico, Peru and Chile on this side of the Pond, has on access to medicines is brutal.
Medicines Without Frontiers: the TPP – a barrier to access to life saving generic medicines
"The battle to prevent this trade agreement from being implemented is far from over", asserts the humanitarian organization, joining the rejection that the treaty Chile signed in New Zealand arouses.
As Pacific trade deal is signed pharma holds key to US ratification
One immediate obstacle to getting the Trans-Pacific Partnership through US Congress lives in Jan Kemper’s laboratory an hour’s drive from the White House.
India-EU FTA talks’ revival likely to be delayed
Deal’s fate rests on ‘talks about talks’ between senior officials as EU demands greater flexibility on imports.
MSF warns on EU/India trade talks
As reported in Indian media, senior officials from the European Commission and India are expected to meet today in Brussels to hold talks on resuming negotiations on the proposed European Union-India free trade agreement.
Unresolved trade pact: India to meet EU in Jan
Months after it called off talks between chief negotiators of the two sides on free trade agreement (FTA) to protest against the ban on sale of around 700 pharma products of a domestic company, India will meet officials from the European Union (EU) later next month to “take stock of the negotiations” on the long-pending FTA.
Big Pharma rewarded as drug prices keep soaring
The escalation in patent protections is set to occur just as drug prices hit all-time highs in Canada and pharmaceutical investment in research and development sinks to decade-long lows.
Lessons to learn from TPP: What the EU shouldn’t do in TTIP
Although TPP seems a remote issue, it could have a direct impact on EU consumers.
TPP strengthens controversial IP arbitration
While the agreement was being negotiated, the US Trade Representative stated that a much-criticized arbitration process included in the TPP would not apply to intellectual property. Turns out, it does apply to IP.
Pacific trade deal could limit affordable drugs: world health chief
A massive trade pact between 12 Pacific rim countries could limit the availability of affordable medicines, the head of the World Health Organization said
TPP on registration of drugs, bans requirements to disclose or consider certain financial or pricing data
There is a paucity of information on drug prices, revenues and other relative information on the economics of the pharmaceutical market.
TPP text shows some impacts from community campaigns, but still favours corporate rights over citizens and communities
Preliminary analysis of the thousands of pages of the main chapters of the TPP text show there are still devils in the detail on medicine monopolies, investor rights to sue governments and copyright monopolies.
Will the Trans Pacific Partnership have an impact on Indian pharma industry?
Implications of the TPP on the Indian pharma industry might not be entirely clear yet. But there is a need for India to engage in the debate of trade deals and public interest.
India must resist US pressure on generic drugs, African leaders to tell Modi
So far, the NDA government has been a mute spectator to the US pharma strategy of forcing Indian generics manufacturers to produce only what is required for Indian consumers and abandon the export of cheap drugs to Africa
USITC Report on India (#2) now available
The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) has published a report on IPR policy transparency by India’s new government
The problem with tying health care to trade
Writing pharmaceutical regulations into international trade deals can have costly consequences.