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Comments on negotiating objectives for a US-Japan trade agreement
US drug manufacturers want Japan to provide 12 years of data protection for biologic medicine in upcoming trade talks. That would be four more years than Japan currently provides.
NAFTA 2.0: US-Mexico-Canada Agreement. Chapter 20: pharmaceutical related patent provisions
The Intellectual Property Chapter of the revised NAFTA, rebranded by the Trump Administration USMCA, includes provisions that threaten to undermine critical efforts to­wards affordable health care and medicine.
Indonesia and RCEP: Beware the public health risks
Proposals from Japan and South Korea would require patent law changes in several RCEP countries, including Indonesia.
PHA4: Neoliberal policies and corporate takeover are the cause of the world health crisis
Multinational corporations are suing countries for using generic versions of life saving medicines.
Switzerland should stop pushing for TRIPS-plus measures in trade agreement with Indonesia
Swiss and Norwegians civil society groups addressed their serious concerns over TRIPS-plus provisions being included in the trade agreement under negotiation between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and Indonesia.
RCEP and affordable medicines: Civil society reaches out to Minister of Commerce Suresh Prabhu
Civil society organisations, patient groups and health activists have been concerned about intellectual property provisions being discussed in RCEP which undermine access to medicines and affordable treatment for patients
Indonesia-EFTA CEPA TRIPS-plus, threat for access to medicines and the right to health of millions of people in Indonesia
In many countries, the implementation of the TRIPS-plus measures has significantly increased the cost of medicines.
Drugs costs impact health
Canada’s negotiators extended data protection on biologics without knowing impact on prices.
Trade and patent changes could increase healthcare costs by $100bn, CPHI annual report warns
Patients may need to wait an extra five or 10 years to access generic medicines, which could raise healthcare costs by as $100 billion over the next five years, according to the latest CPhI annual report
Canada ’caved’ on intellectual property provisions in USMCA trade deal, experts say
Experts are fuming, saying USMCA will hamper Canada’s innovation economy and hike costs to the health care system over patented drugs.
Extended monopolies on biologic drugs – A warning to developing countries
The United States has throughout history been the principal demandeur of maximalist intellectual property, backed by a powerful pharmaceutical lobby.
Biologic drugs would get 10 years of data protection under revised US-Mexico trade deal
The 10-year span is more than what had existed before but the biopharma industry has long argued for the same 12-year exclusivity that exists for biologics within the US market.
Dozens of grassroots groups want changes to ‘secret’ trade pact
While some states in East and Southeast Asia favor the 16-nation RCEP trade deal, many civil society groups say it lacks transparency and public participation.
Trade deals putting health at risk
A leaked draft of the negotiating text has revealed some proposed harmful intellectual property provisions that could undermine access to price-lowering, generic medicines, and thus, life-saving treatment to millions of people.
The myth behind health and trade agreements – Q&A with Othoman Mellouk
Dr Othoman Mellouk is a Moroccan treatment advocate who has been working on intellectual property and access to medicines for more than a decade.
Tough talk over medicine and cheese as Australia and Europe seek a $37b trade deal
Trade Minister Steven Ciobo has promised to take a hard line with Europe on the question of cheap medicines and his counterpart Cecilia Malmström foresees “difficult” negotiations over Australian producers using European names such as "parmesan".
Reject Trump’s threat to affordable medicines through TPP
Government should reject Trump’s threat to affordable medicines through TPP and other trade deals.
Ukraine eyes patent law reform after civil society push on medicines access
Ukrainian lawmakers are poised to approve sweeping patent reform legislation, driven in large part by a push by patients’ groups for better access to affordable medicines and healthcare.
Drug patent extensions under CETA could cost feds $270M a year: PBO
Extended patent protections under Canada’s free trade deal with the European Union could cost the federal government some $270 million a year, according to a new report by the Parliamentary Budget Officer.
Dozens of NGOs oppose proposed EU watch list on IP rights
A wide-ranging list of international nongovernmental organisations issued a letter to European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström opposing a proposal to establish a “watch list” of countries deemed failing to protect European intellectual property.