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US and UK to start trade talks next month to ensure deal soon after Brexit
Trade talks with the US will kick off next month as British officials start to scope out plans for a deal, with the aim of setting up a free trade agreement as soon as possible after Brexit.
Ten alternatives to a corporate trade agenda
What a democratic UK trade policy after Brexit would look like.
SA and UK start making plans for post-Brexit trade
Nations agree in principle to implement interim arrangement based on existing EU partnership deal.
EU ruling could complicate new trade deals - including UK’s
If all parliaments in member states have to approve international trade deals, future trade deals may take even longer than they already do to come to fruition.
Spain loses first arbitration claim over cuts to renewable energy subsidies
Spain has lost its first international arbitration process over cuts to renewable energy subsidies
Abe discusses possibility of FTA with May
The two leaders confirmed the two nations will deepen their economic cooperation after Britain’s withdrawal from the EU.
EU to exclude financial services from post-Brexit deal
The EU intends to exclude the financial services sector from a trade deal with the UK after Brexit, according to the latest tweaks in the EU’s draft negotiating guidelines.
Trading with Trump – What we can expect from a UK-US trade deal
A new briefing has outlined the likely elements of a UK-US trade deal and argues that it would contain more extreme forms of all the controversial elements of the deal that was being negotiated between the EU and the USA.
Trump pone a Gran Bretaña por detrás de la Unión Europea en su prioridad de comercio
Gran Bretaña ha sido desplazada por detrás de la Unión Europea en la fila para cerrar un acuerdo de libre comercio con Estados Unidos. Así lo hicieron saber fuentes oficiales de Washington.
Britain puts banks at front of queue for US trade deal
British banks could be able to access the US markets in future as freely as they trade with the EU now, under a trade deal
EU and UK soon to be in a post-Brexit rush over free trade agreement with Australia
The European Union is eyeing to exclude the UK from trade talks with Australia amid concerns that “sensitive information” may be used by an almost ex-member, reports European Sting.
Switzerland, UK begin free trade talks
Talks on the post-Brexit relationship between Switzerland and the UK are underway, according to the Swiss Federal Council.
EU offers Brexit trade talks, sets tough transition terms
The European Union offered Britain talks this year on a future free trade pact but made clear that London must first agree to EU demands on the terms of Brexit.
Indo-British official group discussing free trade agreement
A joint working group of officials from both countries is working on an India-UK free trade agreement to be signed once Britain exits the EU in two years time.
Food retailers seek UK-EU free trade agreement
The British Retail Consortium (BRC) and other food industry representative bodies have called on the UK Government to secure two-way tariff-free trade with the EU in Brexit discussions.
Gulf Arab states push for UK free trade deal after Brexit: officials
Gulf Arab states are pressing for an early deal on free trade with Britain to secure preferential arrangements after Brexit, and could have a draft agreement ready within months.
Opinion: The UK will get a bad trade deal from the US
There is little reason to doubt that the United Kingdom will sign a free trade agreement with the United States once outside the EU. But there is not going to be that much into it for British businesses. This is because the UK will be the weaker party in the talks.
UK looks to supercharge EU trade deals post-Brexit
Britain is looking for ways to take on the EU’s free trade deals with countries around the world after Brexit - then use its new independence to cut taxes and regulatory barriers to trade, boosting the power of the deals.
Europe pushes ahead with controversial Canadian trade deal, opens door for tar sands
The trade deal could facilitate energy companies suing Member State governments when environmental policies threaten their profits.
Brexit could help EU strike free trade deal with India, MEPs believe
Leaked document suggests Indian tariffs on scotch and Theresa May’s visa rules for skilled Indians had been impeding progress.