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North America Free Trade Agreement | US-Mexico-Canada Agreement

Catch-22: Canada’s attempts to phase out fossil fuel might result in it paying the polluters
US$20 billion: That’s how much American investors think Canadian taxpayers should fork over to compensate them for their failed bid to develop a liquefied natural gas facility in Québec.
The US has a strong case against Canada’s Online Streaming Act
The new legislation requires that streaming services like Netflix, Spotify and Disney+ invest in, and show, more Canadian content.
APEP in Canada’s step
Canada’s trade agenda heading into the summer is kind of everything everywhere all at once. One newer project keeps coming up in conversations: the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity, or APEP.
Swimming against the tide
Since the beginning of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994, Mexico has experienced a dramatic deterioration in its ability to grow its own food.
33 Democrats urge ban on investor-state dispute provisions in all US trade deals
Democratic U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday urged the U.S. Trade Representative and State Department to eliminate investor-state dispute settlement provisions from current and future trade deals
Corporations dominate trade advisory panels
Trade advisers get special access to agreements and can comment on them before they are made public. More than 4 out of 5 advisers represent corporations.
International “digital trade” agreements: the next frontier
International trade agreements, typically negotiated in secret and without public deliberation, could prematurely deter or undercut ongoing efforts to regulate the tech industry.
International preemption by “trade” agreement: Big Tech’s ploy to undermine privacy, AI accountability, and anti-monopoly policies
The bottom-line is that the USMCA and related TPP digital rules that represent the agenda promoted by Big Tech interests must not become the model or starting text for future agreements.
Reuters: US ultimatum to Mexico over energy dispute imminent
The United States intends to issue an ultimatum to Mexico in the coming weeks as it seeks to make progress in a dispute over the latter’s nationalistic energy policies.
The USMCA’s self-destruct button: Review clause conjures fears of 2018 all over again
The so-called "sunset provision" reflects the lingering working-class distrust of globalization in the US that helped Donald Trump get elected president back in 2016.
Canadian and Mexican unions initiate Canadian government trade challenge to stop abuses at Mexican factory
Autoworker unions in Canada and Mexico applaud the launch of a trade complaint by the Canadian government to stop labour abuses at a Mexican auto parts facility owned by global automotive supplier Fränkische.
Pipeline developers demand $20B US payout from Canada after Quebec projects rejected
The liquified natural gas companies behind GNL Québec and Gazoduq are claiming $20 billion US in compensation from the government of Canada for pulling the plug on their natural gas liquefaction terminal and gas pipeline projects in Saguenay, Que.
Canada requests formal talks with Mexico on GMO restrictions
Canada has asked for formal consultations with Mexico over its restrictions on genetically modified agricultural imports under the North American free-trade agreement, Bloomberg News reported.
Goldgroup Mining announces filing of request for arbitration with International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
Goldgroup Mining Inc., through its subsidiary, is seeking damages as a result of Mexico’s breaches of NAFTA.
US demands formal talks with Mexico over GMO corn dispute
The consultations are the first formal step toward a US request for a dispute settlement panel under the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade (USMCA) that could ultimately lead to retaliatory US tariffs if no resolution is reached.
US ’disappointed’ in Mexico’s new GMO corn decree -ag secretary
The United States is "disappointed" in the Mexican government’s announcement which walked back a deadline to ban genetically modified corn for animal feed and industrial use in the country, but retained its plans to ban the corn for human consumption.
In Mexico, US complaints help union organizing efforts
It has been nearly two years since the United States began pressing Mexico over labor rights violations by using rapid dispute resolution methods contained in the USMCA but workers and union organizers are mixed on the results.
NAFTA’s shadow of obstruction
Investor rights in the expired North American Free Trade Agreement continue to undermine democratic decision-making and climate policy in Mexico, Canada, and the United States.
US filing another dairy dispute with Canada under USMCA trade deal
The United States is filing another formal dispute over what it considers Canada’s failure to live up to its trade obligations to American dairy farmers and producers.
’Disappointing’ that US pressing ahead with duties on Canadian softwood lumber: Ng
Canada’s international trade minister says the United States appears to be pressing ahead with what she calls "unjustified" duties on softwood lumber imports.