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New Zealand

NZ UK FTA “inclusive trade” agenda does nothing to redress failed free trade model
Professor Kelsey repeated the calls for a comprehensive rethink of this model of free trade agreements to confront the social, environmental and economic challenges of the 21st century.
NZ-UK free trade agreement: “a missed opportunity”
The announcement of the free trade agreement with the United Kingdom was described by Pita Tipene as “a missed opportunity to set a new bar for honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi”.
FTA with UK: Dairy and meat exporters thrilled, but academic criticises deal
New Zealand’s key export sectors are lauding a new free trade agreement (FTA) with the United Kingdom, while it has received stiff criticism from one academic who said it was "hardly an economic bonanza".
UK-New Zealand FTA text (Feb 2022)
Minister to complete final steps of UK trade deal negotiations
Trade Minister Damien O’Connor is setting off for a trade visit to Europe and the Middle East, with hopes to finalise the UK free trade agreement and to progress on a deal with the EU.
PH censures Myanmar, rejects its ratification of RCEP free trade pact
After New Zealand notified it would not recognize Myanmar’s “instrument of ratification” of the RCEP because it opposes its military-led government, the Philippines will reject Myanmar’s instrument of ratification as well.
New Zealand cheers Canada’s loss in dairy dispute and calls for ’significant reform’
Canada has repeatedly broken its promise to let foreign cheese and butter flow more freely into the country, officials say
33 groups call for tougher stance on vaccine apartheid in trade negotiations
33 domestic and international groups have written to NZ Prime Minister, calling for NZ to use its bilateral trade negotiations with the United Kingdom and European Union to push for an end to vaccine apartheid.
New US Ambassador to NZ Tom Udall has free trade agreement on his radar
The United States’ brand new Ambassador to New Zealand is making encouraging noises that a free trade agreement (FTA) with the US could finally happen.
Waitangi Tribunal claimants win on TPPA and data sovereignty
The Tribunal agrees that the CPTPP breaches the Crown’s obligations to Māori under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and failed to protect Māori rights and interests in data and the digital domain.
British onion sector sold short by New Zealand trade deal, growers warn
British onion growers are concerned that the recently signed UK-New Zealand trade deal will disadvantage the sector and see food producers in general “openly sold out”.
CPTPP members ’welcome’ Taiwan’s bid to join: New Zealand official
Any new entry in the CPTPP requires the unanimous support of all the trade bloc’s members.
Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA) text (Jun 2020)
RCEP mega trade deal to take effect in January, Australia says
The RCEP, a major trade deal including Japan, China, ASEAN, Australia and other members, is set to take effect on Jan. 1, the Australian government has announced.
France seeks to freeze EU trade talks until after April vote
New Zealand, Chile talks among those Paris seeks to pause. Trade pacts have been weaponized in previous French elections.
New Zealand-UK FTA: Agreement in principle (Oct 2021)
Old wine in new bottles – why the NZ-UK free trade agreement fails to confront the challenges of a post-COVID world
The price of allowing this FTA to proceed without open public and media debate is just too high. Another TPPA-style agreement will lock us into the failed neoliberal project of the 20th century.
New Zealand apple industry welcomes FTA with UK
In principle agreement to phase out tariffs on apple and pear exports welcomed by growers in New Zealand.
Jane Kelsey: Such a good free trade greement with the UK, we aren’t allowed to read it
With the release of an Agreement in Principle for a New Zealand United Kingdom free trade agreement we are once again left shadow boxing with a deal whose text we aren’t allowed to see.
Geopolitics behind NZ-UK free trade deal
For now, New Zealand’s free trade deal with the UK might be about building back butter - but it could end up being more about Beijing.