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“The most remarkable rejection of free trade you’ve never heard of”
Africans are insisting on actual economic development which is leaving European trade negotiators exasperated. Rick Rowden explains why their stand is historic and right.
Nigeria pushes for investment treaty with Japan
Government eager for expertise and capital from electronics and machinery makers.
Nigeria begins negotiations on CFTA adoption
Nigeria has commenced negotiations to facilitate the adoption of the Continental Free Trade Area after lagging behind among other trade blocs.
Malmström put on spot by Nigeria on EU deals with ACP countries
EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström came under fire from Nigeria over the state of the bloc’s Economic Partnership Agreements with the developing world.
Nigeria’s losses of import duties if the regional EPA is implemented: 2020-50
After the Brexit it is useful to update the value of imports and losses of import duties of Nigeria from the EU28 minus the United Kingdom in case of the implementation of the regional EPA.
EU threatens to stop market access for Nigerian products over EPA
The European Union may terminate the Temporary Free Market Access it granted Nigeria to export products to the EU due to Nigeria’s failure to sign the ECOWAS-EU Economic Partnership Agreement, reports Financial Vanguard
NACCIMA opposes signing of West Africa-EU agreement
Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture has urged the Federal Government to refrain from signing the West Africa-EU Economic Partnership Agreement
EU to kick-start EPA in 13 West African countries despite Nigeria’s resentment
EU’s Deputy Head of Delegation noted that the EU will not hesitate to withdraw the free access to European market enjoyed by the resenting countries: Nigeria, the Gambia and Mauritania.
Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Egypt to start free trade zones
Nigeria is to establish a free trade zone with Kenya, South Africa and Egypt. The four countries have already worked out modalities for establishing the zone.
Ignore European Union, don’t sign EPA, group tells Nigerian government
Social Action has asked the federal government to not to sign the Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union. Ghana and Ivory Coast have also resisted the EPA
Nigeria to lose $1.3trn by 2026 to EPA arrangement – Report
A report authored by Social Action, a social development organisation, indicates that Nigeria stands to loose up to $1.3 trillion in forms of customs duties, taxation and other revenue sources throughout the 10 year implementation period of Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
Will an Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU make Nigeria any better?
Any attempt to encourage cheap EU imports will not only retard local production, it may also be counter-productive to the country’s industrialisation plans.
EU woos Nigeria with N1.4tn EPA offer
The European Union has asked Nigeria to sign the Economic Partnership Agreement with attractive offers including a €6.5bn (about N1.4tn) Development Programme.
Don’t endorse ECOWAS-EU economic partnership agreement , MAN tells FG
The Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) has admonished the federal government to withhold its endorsement of the ECOWAS-EU economic partnership agreement.
President Buhari calls for mutually-beneficial economic relations with Europe
Considering the mismatch of the two regions (Europe-ECOWAS) the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria and Associated Trade Unions raised concerns over the negative impact of the agreement on Nigeria’s industrialisation programme.
Reps to vet EPA with EU… lament textile industry collapse
House of Representatives call for caution in the implementation of the EPA between EU and Nigeria.
West Africa: EPA - U.S. $8.94 billion development package tears Ecowas apart
The negative effects of opening up 75 percent of ECOWAS markets, with its 300 million consumers, to Europe over a 20-year period, are legion and cut across all facets of the economic life of Africa.
EPA deal: Why manufacturers are kicking
The EU is promoting the deal to boost its trade and expand its investment in the country. But, manufacturers are opposed to the deal’s endorsement.
‘Nigeria’s problem with ECOWAS, EU deal self-inflicted’
The noise over perceived negative effects of the EPA between the European Union and ECOWAS on the Nigerian economy particularly the manufacturing sector is self-inflicted because Nigeria failed to do what it ought to do during the negotiations
The implications of CET for Nigerian products
Common External Tariff (CET) has remained an issue of strong discourse and controversy in West Africa for many years, particularly since the inception of the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations.