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China against Malaysia-Taiwan FTA
Chinese ambassador to Malaysia Huang Huikang says China is against any move by Malaysia to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with Taiwan.
Taiwan, China to restart talks on goods free-trade agreement
Representatives from China and Taiwan have reached an agreement to restart formal negotiations on a free-trade pact that would eliminate tax on the vast majority of goods flowing between the two, Taiwan officials said Tuesday.
Cross-Straits trade agreements stall
Lawmakers in Taiwan Monday confirmed that negotiations on a series of economic measures between the island and the Chinese mainland have halted in the wake of disruptive protests in Taipei in March.
Taiwan, China to pursue free trade despite pact delays: Siew
Taiwan and China will continue to pursue more liberalized bilateral trade, despite delays in the progress of two trade pacts with China, Taiwan’s former vice president Vincent Siew said on Wednesday.
“Sunflower revolution” in Taiwan : STOP police brutality, NO to free trade agreements NOW!
Taiwan Rural Front and Taiwan Farmers Union launch an emergency appeal for international solidarity against current administration’s rush for cross-strait free trade agreement and excessive use of police force.
Official denies ’black-box’ operation in China pact negotiations
No "black-box" operations were involved in negotiations over the trade-in-services agreement with China, a Taiwanese official told foreign officials Wednesday during a briefing on the controversial cross-strait pact.
US backs Taiwan’s TPP bid, unsure if China a factor: AIT
The US yesterday reiterated its support for Taiwan’s bid to join negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), saying it welcomed the nation’s interest in the proposed regional trade bloc.
All FTA talks shelved over service pact protests: Taiwan minister
All free trade negotiations with Taiwan planned for this year have been shelved by “other countries” because of unrest over the services pact with China, Taiwan’s Economics Minister said Monday, though he refused to name any specific countries.
SUNFLOWER SIEGE AFTERMATH: FTAs are critical for competitiveness: representative to US
New Representative to the US Shen Lyu-shun (沈呂巡) on Friday said that the signing of free-trade agreements (FTAs) is critical to Taiwan’s competitive edge and its economic future.
The significance of Taiwan’s anti-service trade agreement movement
On Thursday, Taiwan’s anti service trade agreement movement will leave the Legislative Yuan and the occupation will come to an end. Some of its participants think that the movement has not achieved its aims and do not want to leave. As outsiders it is difficult for us to judge.
Taiwan-Australia FTA urged as South Korea, Australia ink deal
The Ministry of Economic Affairs said Tuesday that Taiwan should push for a free trade deal with Australia, noting that one signed between South Korea and Australia might impact Taiwanese manufacturers of petrochemical products and auto parts — two of Taiwan’s major exports to Australia.
TRADE PACT SIEGE: Student leaders host talk on protest on Reddit site
Student leaders of the Sunflower movement yesterday hosted a question-and-answer session on the US-based community platform Reddit to answer questions from around the world about their protest, in another effort to use their expertise in social networking technology to communicate with the outside world.
Large crowds fill Taipei streets in protest over China trade bill
More than 100,000 demonstrators — some television news stations put the number as high as 700,000 — took to the streets of Taipei on Sunday to protest efforts by the government to approve a trade pact with China and to show support for the students who have occupied Taiwan’s Legislature for nearly two weeks.
Taiwan’s students head to the streets with sunflowers to protest closer ties with China
The students call their protest against the China-Taiwan trade agreement "the sunflower revolution" as the flower is a symbol of hope. Some professors have moved classes to the demonstrations sites themselves.
TRADE PACT SIEGE: Survey shows public favors students’ demands
About 80 percent of Taiwnese people polled this week express support for the demands made by students protesting against the controversial cross-strait services trade agreement.
Taiwan’s sunflower protests explained
This initial act of civil disobedience has blossomed into a wider political movement.
Petition to President of Taiwan
An unjust and undemocratic agreement between Taiwan and China is now in progress. This agreement will significantly threaten Taiwan’s economy, political and economic autonomy, democracy and people’s right.
Hundreds of students occupy Taiwan’s Legislature to protest China pact
Hundreds of students remained barricaded in Taiwan’s Legislature early Wednesday in protest of the ruling party’s push for a trade pact with China, which demonstrators claim will hurt the island.
Taiwan Parliament occupied by protesters for 1st time in history
Protesters and civic groups have stormed into the Taiwanese Parliament after hearing the ruling KMT ram through the agreement on free trade in services with China.
US welcomes Taiwan membership in TPP if island fulfills criteria: diplomat
The United States would welcome Taiwan’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership as long as it meets the high standards set by TPP members, Taipei’s diplomat to Washington was cited as saying yesterday.