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The US-Central America Free Trade Agreement, commonly referred to as “CAFTA,” was signed in December 2003 after twelve short months of negotiation. The negotiations involved the US, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Costa Rica at first refused to join the agreement, then changed its position in late January 2004. The US separately negotiated a bilateral treaty with the Dominican Republic, with a view to folding the deal, and the country itself, into the US-CAFTA scheme.

The US-CAFTA was signed late May 2004, and the Dominican Republic became an additional party to it in August 2004. Since then, the accord has been officially renamed the “United States-Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement” or US-DR-CAFTA. But the overall agreement — which a lot of people continue calling just “CAFTA” — still needs ratification by all parties to go into force.

CAFTA is a wide-ranging agreement covering many areas: agriculture, telecommunications, investment, trade in services (from water distribution to gambling), intellectual property, the environment, etc. It essentially serves US business interests by giving them a concrete and high-level set of rights to operate in Central America. Some US sectors, such as sugar producers, feel threatened by the treaty. But by and large, the threats are mainly against the Central American countries which signed on, as it opens the depths of their economies — public and private — to the interests and power of US companies.

In July 2005, US Congress approved the DR-CAFTA and Bush signed it into law in early August. The Central American parliaments eventually also approved it. For the Dominican Republic, the treaty took effect in 2006.

Costa Rica was the Central American country with the strongest resistance to DR-CAFTA. There were large public demonstrations and information campaigns, and a broad grouping of civil society organizations, from trade unions to small farm organizations, signed on. This coalition successfully pushed for a referendum on ratification, which was held on 7 October 2007. The result: 51.62% in favour and 48.38% opposed. The result was considered binding since more than 40% of the electorate voted. In view of these results, CAFTA was ratified.

On December 23, President Bush issued a proclamation to implement the DR-CAFTA for Costa Rica as of 1 January 2009.

last update: May 2012
Photo: Public Citizen

Costa Rican legislators approve final piece of CAFTA
The last link in the free trade agreement with the United States passed through Costa Rica’s Legislative Assembly
In Costa Rica, CAFTA hits a snag
While the Central American Free Trade Agreement with the United States technically has been in effect in Costa Rica for more than a year, one piece of it still languishes in the Legislative Assembly awaiting approval: changes to Costa RIca’s copyright rules.
Anti-mining activists killed in El Salvador
For the second time in a week, a prominent anti-mining activist has been assassinated in El Salvador.
Lee’s FTA comments create needless confusion
In a press conference on Thursday with US President Barack Obama, President Lee Myung-bak said, "If there are any problems in the automobile sector... then we are ready to resolve this issue." The US side probably interpreted Lee’s comments as signaling his willingness to either re-negotiate the FTA or hold additional talks.
Costa Rica: March against impacts of CAFTA
On 6 October, two years after the fraud that ordered the adoption of the FTA with the US, there was a People’s Walk for Dignity in the Southern Zone of Costa Rica.
Suspend Honduras from CAFTA, Dominican Leader Says
Dominican President Leonel Fernandez said on Wednesday that Honduras should be suspended from the U.S.-Central America trade accord until the de facto regime in Tegucigalpa agrees to reinstate ousted President Mel Zelaya.
Dominican president rejects Honduran accusations
President Leonel Fernandez requested the Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (COHEP) to condemn the coup d’état against Manuel Zelaya and support democracy, and rejected the statements from Honduran businessmen who called his proposal as "dirty and opportunistic."
Unions call for world boycott of Honduran ships
The International Transport Workers’ Federation called on its 4.5 million members on Friday to boycott ships flying the Honduran flag to protest the military coup that ousted President Manuel Zelaya.
Showdown in Honduras: The rise and uncertain future of the coup
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US Ambassador to Guatamala reports CAFTA boosting free and open trade
In the first 11 months of 2008, for example, total US agricultural and food exports to CAFTA-DR countries hit $34 billion, which is up nearly 36 percent from the same period the previous year.