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Hyundai workers strike over US beef

The Associated Press | July 10, 2008

Hyundai workers strike over US beef

SEOUL, South Korea

Workers at Hyundai Motor Co. staged a partial strike Thursday over stalled annual wage negotiations with management and the resumption of U.S. beef imports.

About 33,000 union members at South Korea’s largest automaker stopped work for four hours, and an additional 12,000 others on the night shift will do the same later, said union spokesman Chang Kyu-ho.

Thursday’s strike is expected to cost the company about 64 billion won ($64 million) in lost production of about 4,100 vehicles, Hyundai spokesman Jake Jang said.

The one-day walkout follows a similar two-hour stoppage the union staged last week as part of a broader strike to oppose the country’s resumption of American beef imports.

Union spokesman Chang said workers decided to go on strike again to protest the government’s branding of last week’s action as illegal, and to pressure management to accept their demand for a pay raise.

He said this week’s walkout was "merely a start" of their battle against management, and warned of stronger actions unless management changes its uncompromising attitude.

Unionized workers at Kia Motors Corp., an affiliate of Hyundai, also staged a similar partial walkout.

Kia said it is expected to lose 26 billion won ($26 million) in lost production of some 2,000 vehicles.

 source: Business Week