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Roh, Bush hold phone talks over FTA

Yonhap News, Seoul

Roh, Bush hold phone talks over FTA

By Yoo Cheong-mo

29 March 2007

DOHA, March 29 (Yonhap) — South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and U.S. President George W. Bush on Thursday held a telephone conversation and confirmed their political will to conclude a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) deal, Roh’s spokesman Yoon Seung-yong said.

"During their phone dialogue that lasted 20 minutes, Roh and Bush exchanged views on the remaining obstacles, including automobiles, agriculture and textiles, and shared the view that the deal should be concluded in a mutually beneficial manner," said Yoon.

"The two leaders also agreed to instruct their respective governments’ FTA negotiators to be maximally flexible," said the spokesman.
