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ETUC resolution for an EU progressive trade and investment policy
The European Trade Union Confederation calls for a progressive European trade and investment policy with at its core the creation of decent jobs, the protection of fundamental rights and the interests of workers.
Ten alternatives to a corporate trade agenda
What a democratic UK trade policy after Brexit would look like.
Nigeria and Morocco move towards a “new generation” of bilateral investment treaties
The treaty is an important attempt by two developing countries to move toward a new generation of BITs fully aligned with the evolution of international law.
Is international investment law moving the ball forward on IHRL obligations for business enterprises?
While the debate on the treaty regulating business impact on human rights is likely to continue for a while longer, some recent developments in international investment law seem to be moving forward on international human rights law obligations for businesses
Ensuring the primacy of human rights in trade and investment policies
Model clauses for a UN Treaty on transnational corporations, other businesses and human rights.
S2B position on the European Commission proposal for a multilateral ISDS mechanism
Globalisation is at a dangerous crossroads. One path leads to regained policy-space for governments to address climate change, inequality and other pressing issues of our times. The other leads to more rights for corporations to bully decision-makers.
Labor and nonprofit groups priority for NAFTA reform
To create good-paying jobs, eliminate threats to our communities and otherwise benefit the majority, NAFTA must be replaced with an agreement that includes these essential changes.
6 ways we could improve NAFTA for working people
It is important that everyday working people’s perspectives lead the debate, starting with how to rewrite NAFTA.
Let us not sacrifice human rights for commercial interests
Opinion on international trade and investment agreements : « Let us not sacrifice human rights for commercial interests - The example of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the European Union and Canada (CETA) »
Namur Declaration
The heated debates generated in Europe by the signature of the CETA have revealed that the way the EU negotiates international economic and trade agreements as well as their content are challenged by an increasingly large segment of public opinion.
A new, climate-friendly approach to trade
We urgently need a new approach to trade that prioritizes the needs of people and planet.
We must rethink globalization, or Trumpism will prevail
Rising inequality is largely to blame for this electoral upset. Continuing with business as usual is not an option.
Ten progressive S&D principles for a new era of trade agreements
The first objective of trade agreements should be to benefit the widest possible range of citizens. Trade deals should contribute to sustainable economic growth and jobs in the EU and in partner countries.
The trade system and climate action: ways forward under the Paris Agreement
The relationship between trade policy and climate policy needs to improve in the future, in particular with a view towards implementing the Paris Agreement.
Building a treaty on human rights and TNCs
Proposal from the global campaign to reclaim peoples power, dismantle corporate power and stop impunity.
The new rules of the road: a progressive approach to globalization
The new president needs a fresh approach to trade.
Remodeling India’s investment treaty regime
India is seeking to terminate BITs signed with 57 countries and sign joint interpretative statements with the other 25 treaty states – all an outcome of the country’s new model BIT.
Alternative model for a sustainable development chapter and related provisions in the Transatlantic Trade an Investment Partnership
The alternative model proposed here addresses the shortcomings of the EU Proposal and proposes a sustainable development chapter.
UN Treaty on transnational corporations, other business enterprises & human rights: Options for justice
This report discusses options for the following aspects of the treaty: access to remedy; enforcement mechanisms; and its relationship with the trade and investment regime.
Investment-related dispute settlement: Towards an inclusive multilateral approach
Results from an IISD expert meeting held in Montreux, Switzerland, May 23–24, 2016.