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As Trump quashes TPP, Canada pushes pact with India
But Ottawa’s stance on model investment treaty has New Delhi worried
India should not let Europe undermine its new BIT and TRIPs flexibilities for medicines
There is no principled basis for EU’s demand of extending patent protection beyond the period of 20 years.
Europe pushes ahead with controversial Canadian trade deal, opens door for tar sands
The trade deal could facilitate energy companies suing Member State governments when environmental policies threaten their profits.
Law professors address RCEP negotiators on copyright
The recent death of the TPP has thrust RCEP further into the spotlight, and raised the stakes both for its sixteen prospective parties, and for lobbyists with designs to stamp their own mark on the text’s intellectual property and e-commerce chapters.
MSF calls on Japan and South Korea to drop the harmful RCEP measures
The intellectual property provisions initiated by Japan and South Korea go far beyond the requirements needed under international trade rules.
Cyprus and Greece lock legal horns over bail-in
Greek investors claim that they were discriminated against and lost millions in the bail-in of Cypriot bank deposits some four years and have launched legal action against Cyprus.
ICSID orders Ecuador to pay $380 million to U.S. oil exploration company over investment treaty violations
An arbitration tribunal has ordered Ecuador to pay a ConocoPhillips’ wholly-owned subsidiary nearly $380 million and ordered the company to pay Ecuador $42 million in response to the Republic’s counterclaim
Investment arbitration: a strange beast
The criticism of ‘double hat’ – arbitrator and counsel – is legitimate and needs to be addressed.
Du bœuf canadien irradié bientôt dans nos assiettes ?
Avec la validation du CETA, les consommateurs européens vont-ils à l’avenir trouver du bœuf canadien irradié dans les rayons des supermarchés ou leurs assiettes ?
East Africa: Tanzania demands study on impact of EU trade deal
Tanzania wants a study conducted on the impact of the Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union on the East African Community.
Turnbull and Widodo to seal free trade
Sealing a free trade between the two countries is reportedly the main agenda of Widodo’s visit to Australia.
CETA enables giants in agriculture
The approval by the European Union of CETA makes the world safer for the global agricultural cartels and much less pleasant for Canadian farmers and the consumers in both jurisdictions.
La filière bovine veut faire capoter le Ceta
Les professionnels de l’élevage bovin comptent sur les parlementaires français pour qu’ils ne ratifient pas l’accord.
A ’new’ recipe for trade
With other mega regional trade agreements like the Trans–Pacific Partnership in uncertainty, trade treaties like the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership will acquire greater significance beyond their original ASEAN-centred grouping. The RCEP needs to be tracked for its implications for both the global trading system and the livelihoods of people.
Brexit could help EU strike free trade deal with India, MEPs believe
Leaked document suggests Indian tariffs on scotch and Theresa May’s visa rules for skilled Indians had been impeding progress.
Investor-state dispute settlements: great for business, risky for the environment
What makes ISDS divisive is it exposes governments to potentially expensive private arbitration by foreign corporations who feel that environmental protection measures impede their business.
US business pushes for bilateral trade pact between Manila, Washington
The American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines seemed to have taken the cudgels for the Philippine government by pushing for a bilateral free trade agreement with the United States.
Latvia first to ratify Canada-EU trade deal
The Latvian parliament, the Saeima, became the first in the European Union to fully ratify a groundbreaking free trade deal between the 28-member bloc and Canada.
Baloney Meter: Will free trade with the EU benefit everyone in Canada?
"At its heart, CETA is a framework for trade that works for everyone." said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. So does it?
Yukos saga continues as Russia bound by provisional application of Energy Charter Treaty
The latest award on jurisdiction conflicts with the ruling of a Dutch court which overturned an earlier award of US$50 billion in favour of the former majority shareholders of Yukos.