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Kyrgyz Republic’s experience with investment treaties and arbitration cases
The Kyrgyz Republic currently faces investment claims in the proximity of 1 billion USD, arising out of investment dispute settlement cases.
Canadians’ personal data on the table in NAFTA negotiations
The personal information of Canadians will be on the negotiating table when North American free trade talks.
NAFTA parties prepare for August negotiations launch in Washington
Canada, Mexico, and the United States are preparing for the formal launch of negotiations to upgrade the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
RCEP misses deadline, again
The world’s biggest economic pact, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), will not make its deadline this year as a result of unsettled disagreements on various topics involving 16 countries with different economic levels.
Spain uses the ICSID award by trimming renewable
The Government of Spain has submitted to international arbitration tribunal ICSID appeal against the ruling which condemned him to pay 128 million euros plus interest to the British firm Eiser Infrastructure.
Poland plans to terminate its Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) with Portugal
On 18 July 2017 the Polish Council of Ministers submitted to the Parliament a draft proposal allowing the President to unilaterally terminate the Poland-Portugal BIT
US dairy ramps up fight against EU food name protection
The U.S. dairy sector is fighting harder than ever on several fronts to halt the European Union’s global efforts to block cheese producers in other countries from using names like Roquefort, Asiago and Gorgonzola on the products they export.
Boosting trade ties with Africa
Various steps have been taken by the Indian Government to enhance trade and commercial relations with African countries.
Mexico talks trade deals with Japan
Officials from Mexico and Japan have met to discuss deepening trade ties between the two countries.
Medicines in India likely to be costlier due to RCEP trade pact
However, the key issues holding the final text of these negotiations don’t seem to be getting resolved.
Asean-Hong Kong FTA set to be signed
The free trade agreement between Asean and Hong Kong will be signed at the 31st Asean Summit in November in the Philippines, according to Thailand’s Department of Trade Negotiations.
New Zealand negotiator at Asia trade pact talks says countries should analyse TRIPS-Plus
The negotiator’s comments were non-committal but indicated that for now, the RCEP talks have not yet moved decisively into a TRIPS-plus scenario.
Nirmala Sitharaman: Government negotiating 21 trade agreements with different countries
India is in the process of negotiating 21 trade agreements with different countries, including Israel and Mauritius.
The return of the chlorinated chicken
Britain’s international trade minister who wants to stitch up a deal with the US thinks that the ‘chlorinated chicken’ debate is an insignificant detail and the latest example of unpatriotic treachery by a hostile media.
Burford claims almost half of $324M Argentina arbitration win
Litigation funder Burford Capital stands to take home roughly $140 million from a $324 million recovery against the government of Argentina.
Free trade agreement between Ukraine and Canada comes into force
The free trade agreement between Ukraine and Canada officially comes into force on August 1, and Canada will cancel customs duties on 99.9% of Ukrainian imports. Duty free exports of Canadian goods,will grow to 98%.
French Constitutional Council sees CETA as compliant with state’s basic law
The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the European Union and Canada is in line with the French Constitution, the French Constitutional Council
Peoples’ Summit against FTAs and RCEP
Hundreds of people gathered in Hyderabad, India, between 22 and 26 July 2017, in opposition to the 19th round of negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).
La Via Campesina march in Bilbao
Farmers of La Via Campesina demonstrated in Bilbao for food sovereignty and the defence of the planet. Voices from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.