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Zombie actors protest TPPA at Auckland trade office
A mock zombie virus outbreak was quarantined at the offices of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade in Auckland by campaigners demanding the NZ government end efforts to resurrect the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.
Mixed results in recent arbitral awards concerning Spain’s renewable energy policy
One should be cautious with jumping to conclusions for the still pending Spanish ECT cases.
World Bank orders Argentina to pay $320 mln over seized airline
The World Bank’s arbitration tribunal has ordered Argentina to pay $320 million plus interest and legal fees to Spanish travel group Marsans for expropriating its airline Aerolineas Argentinas SA in 2008.
Video: "Can’t trade with our lives and livelihood" Hyderabad says no to RCEP
A massive protest march was organised in Hyderabad on July 24 at People’s Plaza against Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership with the slogan "You can’t trade with our lives and livelihoods." The march is part of a week long activities of People’s convention against FTAs and RCEP.
“Stakeholder consultation a sham” – Boycott by people’s organizations
The People’s Resistance Forum against FTAs & RCEP calls the so-called “Stakeholder Consultation” on 25th July 2017 by the RCEP chief negotiators a sham – it is neither a meaningful consultation nor includes most stakeholders.
Indian e-commerce platforms could suffer RCEP jolt
Control over data will yield tremendous influence and profit-making, experts say.
‘RCEP will hit economically backward women the most’
Worst hit will be families with female heads, 23 million of which are in rural areas.
Sweeping free trade deal poised to benefit companies at the expense of small-scale farmers
A free trade deal that would spur economic growth in the eyes of government officials could also force farmers from traditional livelihoods and disproportionately harm women, say Asian advocacy groups.
Hyderabad: NGOs hold protest against RCEP talks
NGOs from across the country protested in Hyderabad against the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership talks being held in Hyderabad.
Nigeria says Ecowas studying ramifications of Morocco membership
Several Nigerian lobby groups, including an organization of retired ambassadors, are putting pressure on the Nigerian government to reject the application because of the decades-old dispute over Western Sahara and Morocco’s geographical distance.
Mercosur nations prioritise end-of-year EU trade deal
At its biannual summit last week, South American trade bloc Mercosur confirmed that it intends to finalise an agreement with the EU by the end of the year. But experts warn that this timeframe might be too ambitious for a full-blown deal. EURACTIV Spain reports.
India’s ‘protectionist bent’ for agricultural products delaying FTA: Australia
“At this point in time, I’m not seeing a willingness from India that would reflect a desire to achieve an FTA,” Australian minister Steve Ciobo says
UK’s animal welfare standards ’threatened by post-Brexit trade deals’
House of Lords report warns farmers will be pressured by imports from countries that use cheaper methods to produce food
Women up in arms against Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
At a rally held in Hyderabad, women from different parts of India marched along with other marginalised communities to protest the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
People’s groups demand a halt to RCEP talks
People’s groups from across the country converged in Hyderabad from July 22-26 to unanimously reject the RCEP.
Women farmers take out rally to oppose RCEP free trade agreement
Women from different parts of India marched along with other marginalised communities to protest the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the mega Free Trade Agreement which is currently being negotiated in India.
Wine and the Canada-Israel free trade agreement
Two weeks ago the worst fear of Canadian opponents of neoliberal ‘free trade’ agreements came true. Surprisingly, there has been almost no reaction from the political parties, unions, and other organizations that warned these agreements would be used to undermine Canadian law, even though this is exactly what happened.
ASEAN Parliamentarians call for a focus on rights in regional trade talks
Officials from ASEAN member states and other countries meeting in India this week for negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) should take steps to ensure that the trade deal safeguards human rights, Southeast Asian lawmakers said today.
UK, SACU commit to trade relations despite looming Brexit
The United Kingdom has reaffirmed its commitment to continue trading with SADC EPA countries under the current trade arrangement despite its withdrawal from the European Union (EU).
This obscure Nafta chapter could be Canada’s deal-breaker again
Will anti-dumping dispute resolution be the deal breaker it was in 1987?