Newsclick, PSI, TNI and Focus on the global south
A massive protest march was organised in Hyderabad on July 24 at People’s Plaza against Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership with the slogan "You can’t trade with our lives and livelihoods." The march is part of a week long activities of People’s convention against FTAs and RCEP.
Forum Against FTAs
The People’s Resistance Forum against FTAs & RCEP calls the so-called “Stakeholder Consultation” on 25th July 2017 by the RCEP chief negotiators a sham – it is neither a meaningful consultation nor includes most stakeholders.
The Christian Science Monitor
A free trade deal that would spur economic growth in the eyes of government officials could also force farmers from traditional livelihoods and disproportionately harm women, say Asian advocacy groups.
The Times of India
NGOs from across the country protested in Hyderabad against the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership talks being held in Hyderabad.
The Hans India
At a rally held in Hyderabad, women from different parts of India marched along with other marginalised communities to protest the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Forum Against FTAs
People’s groups from across the country converged in Hyderabad from July 22-26 to unanimously reject the RCEP.
Dissident Voice
Two weeks ago the worst fear of Canadian opponents of neoliberal ‘free trade’ agreements came true. Surprisingly, there has been almost no reaction from the political parties, unions, and other organizations that warned these agreements would be used to undermine Canadian law, even though this is exactly what happened.
Asian Tribune
Officials from ASEAN member states and other countries meeting in India this week for negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) should take steps to ensure that the trade deal safeguards human rights, Southeast Asian lawmakers said today.
Southern African News
The United Kingdom has reaffirmed its commitment to continue trading with SADC EPA countries under the current trade arrangement despite its withdrawal from the European Union (EU).