Kluwer Arbitration Blog
The ACFI model focuses on dispute prevention and bilateral governance, limiting arbitration to the State-to-State level.
European Commission
The United Nations has agreed to initiate work on possible multilateral reform of investment dispute settlement including the possible establishment of a multilateral investment court.
Green America
100 small businesses: NAFTA currently privileges multinational corporations over U.S. small business unfairly under “Investor-State Dispute Settlement” preferential treatment.
Business Standard
The JIN includes the definition of investor and investment, exclusion of taxation measures, Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET), National Treatment (NT) and Most Favoured Nation (MFN) treatment, expropriation, essential security interests and settlement of disputes between an investor and a contracting party,
The Globe and Mail
A U.S. appeals court said a lower court judge erred in entering a judgment to enforce the $1.6-billion award, since reduced to about $188-million.
Manila Bulletin
The Philippines, which chairs ASEAN this year, is looking at the conclusion of two major free trade deals – ASEAN-Hong Kong and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.