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Venezuela pays Gold Reserve $40 million on $800 million ICSID expropriation judgment
Gold Reserve Inc. reports that it has received a $40 million payment on its $800 million judgment that it won at the World Bank’s International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in 2014.
After AGOA: SA must prepare for two-way free trade agreements with US
The Trump Administration has signalled its impatience to replace the AGOA preferential trade deal with Africa with normal two-way free trade agreements.
Iran, EAEU finalize accord on free trade zone
Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) have finalized an agreement to create a free trade zone.
Interview with Yvonne Takang
Yvonne Takang has been campaigning and lobbying against Economic Partnership Agreements in Cameroon at the Association Citoyenne de Défense des Intérêts Collectifs
RCEP: A disaster for India and its people
An eminent Indian trade economist speaks about the problems of RCEP
Indian farmers’ debt wipe demands show why free trade deal with Australia is unlikely
When Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull visited India two months ago, he made much of reviving stalled free trade talks — but developments in India this week show the prospects of eventual success are remote at best.
FAFTA braces for battle against Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
A coalition of farmers unions, trade unions and civil society fights against RCEP in India
Community perspectives in investor-state arbitration
This report examines whether and how investor-state arbitral tribunals consider community perspectives, interests and rights in their settlement of investment disputes.
EU leans toward big concession on autoparts trade with Japan
Brussels wants Japanese farm products on the chopping board in return.
Ross: African countries face ‘critical question’
US Commerce Secretary delivered a tough message to African countries, urging them to strike bilateral trade deals with the United States and warning that the Trump administration would closely monitor their compliance with eligibility rules under the African Growth and Opportunity Act
Canada may not celebrate CETA provisional implementation on July 1, 2017
Canada has passed a statute but still must implement the necessary regulations and establish governmental processes required to implement the Canada-EU CETA.
The shifting landscape of investor-state arbitration: loyalists, reformists, revolutionaries and undecideds
The investor-state arbitration landscape is shifting under our feet. The utility and legitimacy of traditional investor-state arbitration have come under fire, but states have not converged on a viable alternative.
The RCEP negotiations: From one round to another to another
Given the internal differences among participating countries, the RCEP certainly does not look anywhere near conclusion this year.
Trump’s agricultural trade policy with China: trade-offs or trade disputes?
Biotech companies will join Cargill and Tyson as the main beneficiaries of U.S.-China agricultural trade policy.
Chamber of Commerce calls for stronger IP under NAFTA
The US Chamber of Commerce, a federation representing more than three million businesses, has called for stronger IP provisions in the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Vanuatu parliament unites in opposition to PACER Plus
The Vanuatu opposition has congratulated the government for its decision not to sign the PACER Plus trade agreement.
New Zealand aims for high level free trade with Europe
The New Zealand Government has set a target of having 90 per cent of goods traded with the European Union covered by a free trade agreement by 2030.
NAFTA’S Chapter 19 a potential big issue
Canada and Mexico should push very hard to preserve Chapter 19 of the original NAFTA agreement, which created a mechanism to resolve disputes over anti-dumping and countervailing duty measures, a former Mexican official said.
ETUC resolution for an EU progressive trade and investment policy
The European Trade Union Confederation calls for a progressive European trade and investment policy with at its core the creation of decent jobs, the protection of fundamental rights and the interests of workers.
Ten alternatives to a corporate trade agenda
What a democratic UK trade policy after Brexit would look like.