Revista Chacra
The opening of the US market to Argentine beef exports and its continued openness to biodiesel from this country will be made conditional on a demand that Argentina change its legislation to expedite the approval of patents on seeds waiting in the pipeline.
European Law Blog
The Court’s Opinion has consequences for future EU trade deals such as CETA and potentially a future UK-EU FTA.
Financial Express
The country’s two major dairy cooperatives have urged the government to keep dairy products outside the ongoing trade negotiations with various blocs including hugely milk surplus regions.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
There has also been no official release of the chapters and textual proposals related to rules that are being tabled.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog
How far does the new Bolivian arbitration act go in its intent to keep State arbitration inside the country?
Sydney Morning Herald
Access for white-collar services businesses will be the focus as talks begin over a free trade agreement between Australia and Hong Kong.