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Singapore trade deal cannot be concluded by EU alone, ECJ rules
The European Union will have to secure approval from national parliaments in order to finalise a free trade deal with Singapore. The bloc’s top court ruled that the agreement in “its current form” cannot be handled by the Commission acting alone.
RCEP is undemocratic and anti-development​
IBON Foundation Statement for the Stakeholders’ Meeting of the Trade Negotiating Committee (TNC)18th Round of Negotiations on the RCEP
Is international investment law moving the ball forward on IHRL obligations for business enterprises?
While the debate on the treaty regulating business impact on human rights is likely to continue for a while longer, some recent developments in international investment law seem to be moving forward on international human rights law obligations for businesses
Cameroon signs the United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration
The Rules on Transparency provide procedural rules that ensure transparency and public accessibility to treaty-based investor-State arbitration.
Withdrawal from investment treaties: An omen for waning investor protection in Asia-Pacific?
While India and Indonesia may have withdrawn from existing BITs, this does not necessarily leave foreign investors without any protection.
India-Chile expanded PTA to come into effect tomorrow
Chile is the fourth-largest trading partner of India in the LAC (Latin America and Caribbean) region after Brazil, Venezuela and Argentina.
China, Georgia ink free trade agreement
China and Georgia inked free trade agreement on Saturday to expand bilateral trade.
European Union woos Tanzania to sign trade deal
The European Union has invited the government of Tanzania for dialogue over the Economic Partnership Agreement impasse that has threatened to derail the trade pact between the bloc and the East African Community member countries.
Romanian MEP points out ‘green contradiction’ of organic trade deal
A recent trade deal on organic products between the EU and Chile has sparked a discussion regarding the carbon footprint of organic products transportation.
Brussels wants to avoid ‘toxic’ names that make trade deals unpalatable.
FACTBOX-U.S.-China trade agreement impacts meats, natural gas
The United States and China have agreed to take action to expand bilateral trade in beef and chicken as well as taking other steps as part of Washington’s drive to narrow the U.S. trade deficit with China.
US and China sign trade agreement
The US and China have reached a 10-point trade deal that opens the Chinese market to US credit rating agencies and credit card companies.
EU opens door to Canada’s dirty oil
The decision bears the hallmark of the CETA free trade deal between Canada and the EU. Dirty oil has been given a clean label.
Campaign reveals TiSA threat to jobs and rights
A new campaign to be launched by the International Transport Workers’ Federation reveals the threat to jobs and workers’ rights posed by the Trade in Services Agreement.
Chile promotes rapprochement with Indonesia, ASEAN
Chile expects to increase relations with Indonesia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) starting from the state visit of president Michelle Bachelet.
Women’s intervention at the RCEP TNC 18th round stakeholders’ meeting in Philippines
The RCEP will only further marginalize women
Protests mark RCEP Manila rounds
#NoRCEP week of actions at the 18th TNC Meeting of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Morocco - Nigeria BIT (2016)
More Belt & Road FTAs coming
China launches talks to upgrade trade deals with a number of economies.
New Zealand govt ratifies TPP agreement just days before English heads to Japan
New Zealand has formally ratified the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal just days before Prime Minister Bill English heads to Japan for discussions over its future without the United States.