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All roads lead to TPP for Japanese lawmakers
The idea of a U.S.-Japan bilateral trade deal isn’t getting much enthusiasm from senior Japanese lawmakers, unless it leads back to what Tokyo views as the more realistic and most beneficial result: the TPP.
Asia Pacific CSOs get ready for No RCEP week of action with release of video
Civil society groups say no to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Need time to consider Turkey’s call for FTA, says New Delhi
India is open to considering Turkey’s proposal to negotiate a bilateral free trade agreement in goods, services and investments despite the politically volatile situation in Ankara, but needs time to weigh the potential gains for its industry.
Canada seeks to expand trade with MERCOSUR
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’’s Government is debating the most essential issues for a free trade agreement with the Southern Common Market.
European Free Trade Association reports on trade talks
The European Free Trade Association, which comprises Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein, has published its 56th Annual Report, which includes details of the bloc’s free trade agenda.
Canada to see some ’modest’ gains from trade deal with Europe: budget watchdog
’CETA will lead to some gains for Canada, but they will be modest,’ report concludes.
Uganda: Japan pushes for trade agreement with Uganda
Japan is pushing for a bilateral agreement with Uganda in a bid to expand and strengthen trade and investment between the two countries.
RCEP: Corporations could sue governments
ISDS is increasingly being used by global corporations to challenge health, environment and other public interest laws.
High Court the final authority? Think again
US mining company Nucoil is using a free trade agreement to put pressure on the Australian government to pay compensation over cancelled licences.
Trump’s poisoned TTIP chalice
The prospect of reopening trade talks with the US puts the European Union in an invidious position.
Interview with Elizabeth Swager and Julia DeGraw
Elizabeth Swager is a National Organizing Director at Citizens Trade Campaign and Julia DeGraw is the Senior Northwest Organizer at Food & Water Watch.
Negotiations this week on EU-Myanmar Investment Protection Agreement
Negotiators discussed the EU’s reformed approach to investment protection and investment dispute resolution.
Venezuela wins expropriation cases in US Supreme Court, Paris court of appeals & ICSID
Although the original UNCITRAL panel that heard the case allowed jurisdiction, the French Court of Appeals that heard Venezuela’s appeal annulled parts of that jurisdiction decision.
India to seal pact with Russia-led grouping
India is set to formalise a free trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union, clearing the decks for negotiations on deepening trade relations with the five former Soviet republics.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan makes a pitch for India-Turkey FTA
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today pitched free trade agreement with India as a starting point to expand the ambit of bilateral economic ties.
Guide to PACER-Plus
A new guide allows Pacific Islanders to better understand the impacts of the recently concluded and controversial regional Free Trade Agreement, known as PACER-Plus.
MAN cautions Fed Govt on EPA
The Manufacturers Association of Nigeria has again cautioned the Federal Government to be wary of the Economic Community of West African States – European Union Economic Partnership Agreement.
Abe discusses possibility of FTA with May
The two leaders confirmed the two nations will deepen their economic cooperation after Britain’s withdrawal from the EU.
Differing motives complicate ‘TPP 11’
Eleven countries participating in the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact will hold a chief negotiators meeting in Toronto to kick-start full-scale discussions toward implementation of the pact by the 11 countries, without the United States.
RCEP to boost global economic growth: ASEAN leaders
Leaders from the ASEAN have said that the RCEP will boost global trade