The Straits Times
Asean is keen to conclude a region-wide trade agreement with its key partners, but the pact must have substance to be worthwhile, said Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
The Globe and Mail
A second round of discussions between the countries’ trade delegations concluded in Ottawa and Chinese Ambassador said “we hope to speed up the process and sign the agreement” as soon as possible.
Malaymail Online
Among recurring public concerns in almost all modern trade deals include the patent rights for medicine, the import of agricultural products, and the ISDS provision where companies can sue a state for alleged discrimination.
Nikkei Asian Review
RCEP is aimed at saving China’s own economy via the Belt and Road
Forum against FTAs
Trade unions, farmers groups, health activists, and other people’s movements are planning to organise a series of events to put pressure on the Government of India to withdraw from RCEP negotiations.