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Fine tuning RCEP could take till 2019: Ramon Lopez
DTI Secretary Ramon Lopez said that an agreement on the RCEP has not yet happened as member countries need to fine-tune details of the pact
Politics of investment treaty arbitration
The paper outlines and contextualises the past and current political drivers and effects of investment treaty arbitration.
PHL not in a hurry to ink FTA with US
"We’re comfortable and happy with the generalized system of preferences. If ever there are initiatives to work on an FTA, we’ll be open to that, but we won’t be bringing it up," says Philippines Trade Secretary.
The political motivations of the United States’ bilateral investment treaty program
The United States has largely used BITs as a foreign policy tool to improve relationships with strategically important countries in the developing world.
Working on a bilateral trade agreement between Indonesia-USA
The Indonesian government is currently studying the opportunities and challenges with regard to the making of a new bilateral trade deal with the USA.
The expanding universe of IP
Granting data exclusivity for clinical trials would undermine access to medicines.
India, Sri Lanka slip on oil, trade deals
Commerce Ministry officials continued their three-day talks on the ETCA to iron out differences on the upgraded Free Trade Agreement of 2000 to include services, investment and technological trade.
Deputy foreign minister named as Japan’s chief TPP negotiator
The government announced that it has appointed a deputy foreign minister as chief negotiator for the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact, with an eye to bringing the deal into force without the United States.
RCEP is part of top agenda at the ASEAN Summit
Conclusion of the RCEP deal will be a priority at the ASEAN Summit in Manila
The huge dumping of extra-EU exports of dairy products and to the EPAs of West Africa, SADC, CEMAC and EAC in 2016
The EU has been pressuring the ACP countries (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) to sign and implement EPAs that would be destructive for these countries.
Dairy 101: The Canada-U.S. milk spat explained
The Americans have made it very clear they want to secure more access to Canada’s dairy and poultry markets when NAFTA is renegotiated.
CETA bringing changes to pharma patents in Canada
A certificate of supplemental protection provides up to two years of additional protection after expiry of a patent.
TiSA and the threat to public banks
The Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) is an attack on the future publicness of public banking around the world.
«L’Afrique doit compter d’abord sur son propre marché intérieur»
Une zone de libre échange ne peut être une politique qui favorise l’industrialisation de l’Afrique. Et, le vrai problème de l’Afrique, c’est le manque d’industrialisation, selon El Hadji Alioune Diouf, expert en commerce international.
Ahead of NAFTA talks, U.S. sets 20 percent duties on Canadian softwood lumber
The United States will impose preliminary anti-subsidy duties averaging 20 percent on imports of Canadian softwood lumber, as NAFTA renegotiation talks are looming
Will RCEP be a reality by the end of 2017?
Asean hopes to seal a landmark trade deal, but it may be hard to sew up negotiations this year
East Africa: UN body warns region against signing trade deal with EU
The report says that if the EPA is signed, local industries will struggle to withstand competitive pressures from EU firms, while the region will be stuck in its position as a low value-added commodity exporter.
Barry Coates: PACER Plus – how the Pacific Way is being undermined
There were promises that the agreement would be for the benefit of the Pacific. But it has been shaped more by the advantages to Australia and New Zealand exporters than the aspirations of the Pacific’s people.
Fiji was excluded from PACER plus
Fiji did not pull out of the PACER Plus trade negotiations. It had been excluded.
Taming the “mercantile adventurers”: third party funding and investment arbitration – A report from the 14th annual ITA-ASIL conference
The role of third party funding in investment arbitration raises unique concerns for policy-makers because, ultimately, a State’s taxpayers will be liable for satisfaction of any award favoring the claimant.