DTI Secretary Ramon Lopez said that an agreement on the RCEP has not yet happened as member countries need to fine-tune details of the pact
Business Mirror
"We’re comfortable and happy with the generalized system of preferences. If ever there are initiatives to work on an FTA, we’ll be open to that, but we won’t be bringing it up," says Philippines Trade Secretary.
Indonesia Investments
The Indonesian government is currently studying the opportunities and challenges with regard to the making of a new bilateral trade deal with the USA.
Business Mirror
Conclusion of the RCEP deal will be a priority at the ASEAN Summit in Manila
Canadian Lawyer
A certificate of supplemental protection provides up to two years of additional protection after expiry of a patent.
Sud Quotidien
Une zone de libre échange ne peut être une politique qui favorise l’industrialisation de l’Afrique. Et, le vrai problème de l’Afrique, c’est le manque d’industrialisation, selon El Hadji Alioune Diouf, expert en commerce international.
The Straits Times
Asean hopes to seal a landmark trade deal, but it may be hard to sew up negotiations this year
Asia Pacific Report
There were promises that the agreement would be for the benefit of the Pacific. But it has been shaped more by the advantages to Australia and New Zealand exporters than the aspirations of the Pacific’s people.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog
The role of third party funding in investment arbitration raises unique concerns for policy-makers because, ultimately, a State’s taxpayers will be liable for satisfaction of any award favoring the claimant.