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Indonesia to finalize five trade deals next year in hunt for wider markets
As Indonesia accelerates talks with 15 Asia-Pacific nations, it is prioritizing the conclusion of five trade deals to open access to foreign markets and lure inflows of investment.
FTAs not benefiting Pakistan, acknowledges government
The government acknowledged that Pakistan has not benefited appropriately from the free trade agreements (FTAs) signed in the past including the one with China.
Trade Minister Steven Ciobo rejects assertions that the Trans-Pacific Partnership has collapsed
"We are only nine months into a 24-month process, we need to give the Americans time to consider the pros and cons of the TPP."
Czech Republic faces international arbitration
Aircraftleasing Meier & Fischer has initiated international arbitration proceedings, asking compensation in the amount of USD 125.17m.
German utilities win compensation for nuclear phaseout
Germany’s highest court has ruled in favor of three power companies in a dispute over a government decision to phase out nuclear energy. Vattenfall is also suing at the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
Multinationals launch 50 lawsuits worth $31b against Asian nations
A new report finds that corporations have launched 50 lawsuits, worth at least $US31 billion, using secret international arbitration tribunals against 11 countries in the Asian region.
Churchill Mining’s $1bn claim against Indonesia struck off
A tribunal has struck out a claim by Churchill Mining for damages after Indonesia’s government revoked its licence for a coal project.
TPP may be dead – but its impact lingers
Threats to affordable access to medicines continue unabated
India and Brazil conclude negotiations of Bilateral Investment Treaty
The conclusion of negotiations between India and Brazil culminating in a near-final treaty between the two nations.
EEU, Iran move closer to establishing free trade zone
Iran is one of the first countries the EEU wants to establish a free trade zone with, says Eurasian Economic Commission Chairman.
India, EU free trade pact talks stumble as bilateral investment treaties are set to lapse
New Delhi wants to re-negotiate all existing investment agreements
’New agreement to make the most of Jordan-US FTA’
An agreement will be signed on how to maximise benefits from the Jordan-US Free Trade Agreement
Australia pursues trade agenda in Asia
Australia Trade Minister is in Jakarta for talks over the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
RCEP talks speed up amid TPP failure
Amid the collapse of the United States-backed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) pact, trade officials from 10 Southeast Asian countries and six key partners started on Tuesday talks on a rival deal with new urgency.
The Indian government needs to answer crucial questions on the RCEP
Why is the Indian government signing the RCEP agreement, which allows foreign investors to sue governments, threatens access to life-saving medicines and puts at risk seed sovereignty?
Transition official: Trump will not rip up NAFTA
“I don’t think we’re looking to rip up NAFTA as much as we are looking to right-size it and make it fairer,” says senior advisor on the Trump transition team
On World AIDS Day, threat to access to medicines looms large
As trade negotiators from 16 countries gather in Indonesia to deliberate the terms of trade agreement — the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement (RCEP), access to low-cost generic medicines is under grave threat.
Scrapping TPP won’t make a lick of difference
The problem with free trade deals is they rarely are about trade. In fact, trade usually is a side issue. And the TPP was a classic case in point.
Namur Declaration
The heated debates generated in Europe by the signature of the CETA have revealed that the way the EU negotiates international economic and trade agreements as well as their content are challenged by an increasingly large segment of public opinion.
Wallonia proposes new rules for negotiating international trade deals
Named after Namur, the capital of Wallonia, the declaration is signed by three dozen university professors from many countries, including the US and Canada.