Economic & Political Weekly
With other mega regional trade agreements like the Trans–Pacific Partnership in uncertainty, trade treaties like the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership will acquire greater significance beyond their original ASEAN-centred grouping. The RCEP needs to be tracked for its implications for both the global trading system and the livelihoods of people.
Sahara Press Service
Members of the European Parliament have urged the European commission to comply with the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union which excluded Western Sahara territories of the EU-Morocco Association Agreement.
The Globe and Mail
A New York-based energy company is asking the Ontario Superior Court to enforce a $28-million award against the Canadian and Ontario governments that it received under a NAFTA arbitration.
International Economic Law and Policy Blog
In the transition to its new approach to investor protection, India has sought to terminate its existing BITs with individual EU Members. Now the European Commission is pressuring India to extend those existing treaties.