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Switzerland, UK begin free trade talks
Talks on the post-Brexit relationship between Switzerland and the UK are underway, according to the Swiss Federal Council.
Japan activates investment agreement with Iran
The agreement covers a host of full and comprehensive issues in terms of encouraging and supporting investment in Iran and Japan.
U.S. firm Cobalt threatens arbitration over Angolan oil assets
U.S. oil firm Cobalt said it would seek arbitration if Angola’s state-run Sonangol failed to extend license deadlines on two deepwater blocks
“The most remarkable rejection of free trade you’ve never heard of”
Africans are insisting on actual economic development which is leaving European trade negotiators exasperated. Rick Rowden explains why their stand is historic and right.
Pharmaceutical giant threatens to drag Government before corporate tribunal
Novartis battle against Colombian Government highlights the threats to public health posed by the outrageous investor-state dispute settlement regime and bad “trade” deals.
US and Vietnam renew trade dialogue during TIFA meetings
The US and Vietnam met under their Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) to discuss deepening trade ties between the two nations as well as address outstanding bilateral trade issues.
EU offers Brexit trade talks, sets tough transition terms
The European Union offered Britain talks this year on a future free trade pact but made clear that London must first agree to EU demands on the terms of Brexit.
US, Laos hold first meeting under TIFA
The United States and Laos affirmed their interest in growing bilateral trade and investment‎ between them, committing to continue work on outstanding bilateral issues.
US, Afghanistan hold TIFA meeting, talk about trade
The U.S.-Afghanistan Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) Council met in Kabul and discussed a wide array of trade and investment related topics.
India receives 20 claim notices under BIPA disputes: Govt
India has received around 20 claim notices in cases of investor-state arbitration disputes under bilateral investment protection pacts.
Churchill updates on $1.3bn claim against the Republic of Indonesia
Churchill Mining says it continues to pursue its $1.315bn claim against the Republic of Indonesia in relation to the revocation of its licenses at the East Kutai Coal Project.
RCEP talks hit a snag over India’s demand for liberalization of services
India has refused to reveal its final tariff concessions on goods till its demand for greater liberalization in the services sector is accepted by RCEP member nations
Trump’s NAFTA changes aren’t much different from Obama’s
President Donald Trump’s campaign promise to bring sweeping changes to the “terrible” North American Free Trade Agreement just got a dose of reality.
The fourth man: an intriguing sub-plot in the Yukos arbitration
The Russian Federation claimed that arbitrator Yves Fortier’s assistant turned into a Fourth Man, a covert extra arbitrator who conceived and drafted a large part of the award.
Indonesia-European trade talks on track; to conclude this year
Indonesia has said twelfth round of negotiations on forming a comprehensive economic partnership agreement with the European Free Trade Association are on the right track.
Mexico lagged the rest of Latin America in the NAFTA era, report finds
Over 20 million more Mexicans have fallen below the poverty line since NAFTA took effect.
United States’ free trade agreements: a silent (r)evolution?
The trade policy of the United States (U.S.) traditionally relied almost exclusively on multilateral negotiations. This changed in 1985 when the United States concluded a free trade agreement with Israel.
Draft NAFTA notice
The Trump administration has sent a draft notice to US Congress, seeking to tackle what it considers NAFTA issues.
South India: Workshop - Understanding RCEP and its implications
A workshop is being convened in early April to build collective capacities on trade agreements in general and RCEP in particular. The workshop will be held in Bangalore, a city in South India
Russia willing to start NZ free-trade talks
Russia is willing to restart free trade talks with New Zealand that were halted after the annexation of the Crimean peninsula, but Trade Minister Todd McClay says it is too soon to resume negotiations with the world’s 12th-biggest economy.