Public Citizen
Novartis battle against Colombian Government highlights the threats to public health posed by the outrageous investor-state dispute settlement regime and bad “trade” deals.
Vietnamnet Bridge
The US and Vietnam met under their Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) to discuss deepening trade ties between the two nations as well as address outstanding bilateral trade issues.
Business Standard
India has received around 20 claim notices in cases of investor-state arbitration disputes under bilateral investment protection pacts.
Stock Market Wire
Churchill Mining says it continues to pursue its $1.315bn claim against the Republic of Indonesia in relation to the revocation of its licenses at the East Kutai Coal Project.
International Economic Law and Policy Blog
The Russian Federation claimed that arbitrator Yves Fortier’s assistant turned into a Fourth Man, a covert extra arbitrator who conceived and drafted a large part of the award.
British Journal of American Legal Studies
The trade policy of the United States (U.S.) traditionally relied almost exclusively on multilateral negotiations. This changed in 1985 when the United States concluded a free trade agreement with Israel.
La Via Campesina
A workshop is being convened in early April to build collective capacities on trade agreements in general and RCEP in particular. The workshop will be held in Bangalore, a city in South India