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India receives proposal from Georgia to negotiate FTA: Nirmala
The government today said it has received a proposal from Georgia to negotiate a free trade agreement
Australian-Canadian miner ordered to pay interest to El Salvador
A giant Australian-Canadian gold mining group, OceanaGold, has been ordered to pay interest on $8 million in legal costs awarded to El Salvador over a lawsuit it lost.
Cargill chief: Don’t mess up NAFTA
Cargill CEO Dave MacLennan hopes to see out of any NAFTA renegotiation the basic principles of keeping the border open for trade
Pakistan invited to conclude FTA with GCC: Dastgir
Minister for Commerce, Khurram Dastgir Khan says Pakistan has been invited to conclude a Free Trade Agreement with Gulf Cooperation Council.
Australian miners seeking new free trade deals
The Minerals Council of Australia has called on the Government to pursue further trade liberalization through bilateral and regional trading agreements.
IBON tells DENR to be firm vs big miners
Mining firms should not resort to international arbitration in forcing the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to revoke its decision to suspend 28 mines and cancel 75 mineral-production sharing agreements.
Cargill chief David MacLennan urges Australia to ‘fill TPP gap’
The chief executive of one of the world’s biggest agribusiness companies says Australia has a major opportunity to “step up and fill the gap’’ selling more food products to Asian markets.
Proposed trade pact clause on intellectual property could endanger India’s TB programme
A draft of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement reveals three clauses that could potentially hurt production of important generic drugs
Mustapa: We are ready to resume FTA talks with European Union
Malaysia is ready to resume negotiations on a free trade agreement with the European Union following the withdrawal of the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Indo-British official group discussing free trade agreement
A joint working group of officials from both countries is working on an India-UK free trade agreement to be signed once Britain exits the EU in two years time.
Jane Kelsey: Governments in denial of a world changing around them
As the Government seeks to renegotiate the China Free Trade Agreement, we need to reflect on the broader priorities and risks in that relationship for the future.
Food retailers seek UK-EU free trade agreement
The British Retail Consortium (BRC) and other food industry representative bodies have called on the UK Government to secure two-way tariff-free trade with the EU in Brexit discussions.
A trade war is brewing inside the White House between rival camps
Soon after President Trump took office, an executive order was quietly drafted to suspend trade talks with China but the executive order never even got to the president’s desk.
Gulf Arab states push for UK free trade deal after Brexit: officials
Gulf Arab states are pressing for an early deal on free trade with Britain to secure preferential arrangements after Brexit, and could have a draft agreement ready within months.
How to understand globalization: not nations, but class
The question is often posed whether trade and investment is a zero sum game among nations. South Centre Chief Economist Yilmaz Akyuz says he does not think nations are the correct focus here.
U.S. court upholds award to miner Crystallex in Venezuela dispute
A U.S. court has upheld an award by a World Bank Tribunal that orders Venezuela to pay more than $1 billion to Canadian mining company Crystallex, paving the way for the firm to seize assets for the 2008 expropriation of the Las Cristinas gold project.
Joint EU-Mercosur communique following the XXVIIth round of negotiations
Significant progress was achieved regarding the negotiating text in the three parts of the future Association Agreement between both regions: Trade Part, Political Dialogue and Bi-Regional Cooperation.
New Zealand and China plan to expand free-trade deal
New Zealand and China announced they would open talks soon to expand a successful free-trade deal in place for nearly a decade.
Nigeria pushes for investment treaty with Japan
Government eager for expertise and capital from electronics and machinery makers.
Tribunal dismisses Eli Lilly’s NAFTA challenge on promise utility doctrine
The Tribunal found that Eli Lilly had failed to demonstrate that the promise doctrine constitutes a fundamental or dramatic change in the utility requirement under Canadian patent law or that the promise doctrine is arbitrary and/or discriminatory.