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India offering ’far deeper’ proposals in RCEP: Commerce Secretary
Commerce Secretary Rita Teaotia also said India will give more concessions in RCEP than any other country will do.
Renco failed to comply with formal waiver requirement under US–Peru Trade Promotion Agreement
Renco alleged that Peru breached its TPA obligations to afford fair and equitable treatment and national treatment, as well as certain contractual obligations.
SOL comments to the EU delegation to SA’ press release of 16 March 2017
South African poultry producers are fully justified to accuse the EU of dumping.
S’pore watching how TPP develops, will continue talks with other partners: PM Lee
Despite the uncertainty hanging over the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) after the United States’ formal withdrawal, Singapore will continue its preparations to ratify the trade pact.
TransCanada Keystone XL rejection lawsuit dropped - arbitrator
Transcanada Corp’s legal challenge against the United States over its past rejection of Keystone XL pipeline has been dropped.
China FTA review should ditch controversial clause
China FTA review should ditch controversial temporary worker clause, says AFTINET.
Romania - the end of intra-EU bilateral investment treaties
The law approving the termination of agreements on mutual promotion and protection of investments concluded by Romania with other Member States (Intra-EU BITs) was published in the Official Gazette.
FTA brightens prospects of Vietnamese footwear products
Prospects are bright for Vietnam’s footwear exports after the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement comes into force in 2018.
The subsidies to the EU exports of cereal products to West Africa in 2015 and 2016
The EU-West Africa’s Economic Partnership Agreement has planned to reduce to 0 the import duty on non-rice cereal imports from the European Union at the beginning of the liberalization period.
International investment law and arbitration: a conceptual framework
Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) has become the most controversial form of international litigation.
Japanese ambassador cautions versus haste in concluding RCEP
Japan cautioned against haste in the conclusion of the proposed RCEP stressing “substance is more important than timing.”
The EU28 subsidies on its exports of poultry meat and eggs to SADC in 2016
The SADC poultry producers are suffering heavily from the competition of imports given that poultry is the first agricultural sector and that per capita consumption is one of the highest in the world.
ICSID tribunal dismisses claims brought against Indonesia based on forged mining licences
The tribunal considered all claims inadmissible, ordering the claimants to bear all arbitration costs and to reimburse 75 per cent of Indonesia’s legal expenses.
What to watch out for in the EU-Mercosur FTA negotiations: consequences for access to medicines
Some of the main TRIPS-plus measures historically pushed for by countries such as the United States or the EU are being again proposed at the EU-Mercosur FTA.
Place of arbitration in the proposed “investment court” scenario: an overlooked issue?
The place of arbitration matters because the law at the place of arbitration determines the procedural frame for the arbitration and therefore may have important consequences.
EU deeply divided over Western Sahara policy
The ECJ has ruled that EU trade agreements can only apply to Western Sahara if the legitimate representatives of its people agree to it. In practice, the EU’s 2017 list of approved exporters from Morocco still includes entities based in Western Sahara.
Australia, China to boost trade with beef making the cut
Australia and China are expected to sign new bilateral agreements on beef exports, energy and security.
EU suppliers push for Mercosur trade deal
The election of Donald Trump to the presidency in the U.S. and its potential impact on EU-U.S. trade talks has made the Mercosur negotiations that entered a new round this week a high priority for the European Commission.
Switzerland wants stricter intellectual property rules in India that could harm generic drug makers
Switzerland is pushing for tighter patent protection, data exclusivity and dropping compulsory licencing under a new free trade agreement.
New EU-Armenia deal initialed in Yerevan
The agreement is meant to serve as a less ambitious substitute for an Association Agreement negotiated by Armenian and EU officials in the summer of 2013.