Kluwer Arbitration Blog
The Romanian Parliament sent to the Romanian President for promulgation the Law allowing for the termination of the Bilateral Investment Treaties between Romania and other Member States of the European Union.
Voice of America
Vietnam will test U.S. President Donald Trump’s openness to one-on-one trade deals as it starts nudging Washington for an eventual agreement to replace its role in the defunct Trans Pacific Partnership.
The Telegraph
Britain is looking for ways to take on the EU’s free trade deals with countries around the world after Brexit - then use its new independence to cut taxes and regulatory barriers to trade, boosting the power of the deals.
International Economic Law and Policy Blog
An ICSID Annulment Committee’s decision to reduce the damages to be paid to Exxon by $1.4 billion seems like a cause for celebration-a victory of economic sovereignty over Big Oil. But as gifts to economic justice go, this one is a Trojan horse indeed.
Latin America Herald Tribune
Peru will try to expand its free trade agreements with countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), but "preferably" through the Pacific Alliance