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Paths open to new Pacific trade pact, post-TPP: Chile trade head
Countries that signed up for the failed trade pact known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will meet in Chile, seeking a way forward on a possible future regional deal
The little deal that could: Canada & the E.U. ink the biggest global trade-deal in two decades
After seven long years of negotiation fraught with controversy, the two trade blocks have cemented the ‘Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement’ – aka. CETA.
CEMAC invites European Union to re-join negotiations on Economic Partnership Agreement
The CEMAC ministers decided not to adhere to the stage Agreement as is, and to continue negotiating for a complete regional EPA.
European states, Ecuador pushing for free trade deal
The European Free Trade Association states – Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Norway – and Ecuador have continued discussions towards a free trade agreement.
RCEP: Members want India to reciprocate their tariff reduction offer
India is under pressure to update its offers on tariff reduction on goods and services trade before the next meet.
Former trade negotiators push RCEP countries to adopt no less than TPP standards
Asian policymakers should promote TPP standards and strive to improve the quality of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), says trade commission
Nafta talks likely won’t begin until later this year, Ross says
The U.S. government probably won’t begin “real” negotiations to revamp the North American Free Trade Agreement until later this year (2017).
EU commissioner to discuss Asean trade relations in Manila
EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström is set to visit Manila to primarily discuss trade relations as well as the goal of a Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN.
Turkey links FTA to market access for auto sector
Turkey has linked finalisation of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with market access for Turkish auto sector in Pakistan.
Canola Council of Canada supports possible FTA with China
Canada and China are currently in exploratory talks about the possibility of a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries.
IT dept lifts freeze on Cairn dividend payout
The tax demand was challenged by Cairn Energy through an international arbitration where it also made a case against the dividend freeze
Gold mining sparks disputes and induces interesting decisions
A Canadian company, Gold Reserve Inc, disputed a permit revocation that affected a gold and copper ore deposit exploration project in Venezuela.
Can RCEP revive a dead TPP?
With the TPP axed, RCEP has quickly become the most crucial trade agreement in the Asia Pacific. But to succeed, RCEP must prove itself as an agreement that can successfully link the interests of countries at various stages of economic development.
ICSID arbitrators turn investment treaty into insurance policy against terrorism
The consequence of this decision is that investors would likely be put above all other victims of terrorism and related political violence in conflict areas. That is shocking from the perspective of international justice.
EAEU-Iran free trade preparation deal signed
Members of the Eurasian Economic Union’s (EAEU) prime ministerial council signed a directive on March 7, ordering preparations for a temporary agreement on forming an EAEU-Iran free trade zone.
EU, New Zealand conclude preparatory FTA talks
As a next step, the European Commission will ask member states for a mandate to negotiate on behalf of the EU.
CETA: A false solution to economic and political woes
The deal offers the language of prosperity and progress, but in reality, accelerates income inequality and grassroots unrest.
Peru, India begin meetings towards trade agreement
Peruvian and Indian governments held the first technical meetings aimed to reach a trade agreement.
Key Asia trade talks on alternative to TPP end, no major deal struck
Negotiators failed to bridge their differences over certain issues such as tariff cuts during the five-day meeting on RCEP
Stop RCEP. Trade for the People. Not for Corporate Elites
People Over Profit Statement on the 17th Round of Negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in Kobe, Japan 27 Feb-3 March 2017