Business Korea
Three rounds of negotiations for the South Korea-GCC FTA were underway in 2007 to 2009 but the talks came to a halt when the GCC withdrew from the negotiating table in the wake of the global financial crisis at that time.
Sunday Guardian Live
There is no principled basis for EU’s demand of extending patent protection beyond the period of 20 years.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
The recent death of the TPP has thrust RCEP further into the spotlight, and raised the stakes both for its sixteen prospective parties, and for lobbyists with designs to stamp their own mark on the text’s intellectual property and e-commerce chapters.
Disputing Blog
An arbitration tribunal has ordered Ecuador to pay a ConocoPhillips’ wholly-owned subsidiary nearly $380 million and ordered the company to pay Ecuador $42 million in response to the Republic’s counterclaim
International Business Times
Sealing a free trade between the two countries is reportedly the main agenda of Widodo’s visit to Australia.