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Cambodia, EEC put free trade on agenda
Officials from Cambodia and the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) meeting in Phnom Penh yesterday issued a statement affirming commitments to increasing bilateral trade made last year, and agreed to work toward a possible free trade agreement.
Trump expects only ’tweaking’ of trade relationship with Canada
President Donald Trump said the United States would be "tweaking" its trade relationship with Canada.
EU-Indonesia FTA - draft sanitary and phytosanitary measures chapter (December 2016)
As published by the European Commission
EU-Indonesia FTA - draft state-owned enterprises chapter (December 2016)
As published by the European Commission
EU-Indonesia FTA - draft small and medium-sized enterprises chapter (December 2016)
As published by the European Commission
EU-Indonesia FTA - draft rules of origin chapter (December 2016)
As published by the European Commission
EU-Indonesia FTA - draft public procurement chapter (December 2016)
As published by the European Commission
EU-Indonesia FTA - draft trade remedies chapter (December 2016)
As published by the European Commission
EU-Indonesia FTA - draft public procurement chapter (December 2016)
As published by the European Commission
EU-Indonesia FTA - draft intellectual property chapter (December 2016)
As published by the European Commission
EU-Indonesia FTA - draft customs and trade facilitation chapter (December 2016)
As published by the European Commission
EU-Indonesia FTA - draft competition chapter (December 2016)
As published by the European Commission
CEMAC losses of customs duties with the EU28-UK EPA
This paper assesses the CEMAC customs duty losses on its imports from the EU-28 minus the United Kingdom after the Brexit on the basis of EU28-UK exports in 2015 and of the liberalization programming provided for by the EPA.
Hochtief v Argentina: Obtaining a smaller piece of the pie
Although the Tribunal found that Argentina had violated the fair and equitable treatment clause, the damages award was only US$ 13.41 million.
By signing CETA with Justin Trudeau, the EU isn’t undermining Donald Trump – they’re helping him
How do we fight Trumpism? By showing that the solution to devastating corporate trade pacts isn’t ‘beggar my neighbour’ economics, but a trade system based on the needs of society
Lao farm products to enjoy tariff exemptions
The farm products comprise crops and livestock as well as home-grown products.
These countries could be Trump’s next trade war targets
India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam have largely escaped U.S. President Donald Trump’s glare on trade, but he may yet come looking. The U.S. runs trade deficits with all of them, in some cases quite big ones.
India, Canada talk on investment pact, no consensus on dispute mechanism yet
A successful conclusion of FIPA will provide a much-needed cover for Canadian investments in India and vice versa, and is expected to be an important catalyst in translating the announcements into reality.
Beef industry talks possible trade deals
The U.S. beef herd is expanding and the industry wants export market access to grow as well.
Thailand can be ’gateway for Korea to ASEAN’
Seoul advised to play key role in AEC integration through in-kind contribution.