Manila Bulletin
The Philippines will push for the expansion and deepening of the ASEAN services agreement possibly over a 10-year transition period to allow the liberalization of more sectors.
Nikkei Asian Review
RCEP is neither China-led nor a rival to the TPP
European Commission
The Coordinator of the National Coalition "No to EPAs" in Senegal discusses two free trade projects in Africa: Economic Partnership Agreements and the Continental Free Trade Area.
The Globe and Mail
Canada and China are joining a mid-March summit hosted by Chile on how to advance trade in Asia-Pacific
Daily Mirror.lk
Fear of economic domination by the ‘Big Brother’ has replaced the earlier fear of political and military dominance.
Benchmark Monitor
The Tribunal’s decision on damages sends a clear message that governments cannot expropriate investments without compensation
European Commission
The European Commission published nine initial European proposals for the trade agreement under negotiation with Indonesia.
Borneo Bulletin
A top European Union (EU) diplomat has hinted the possibility of reviving the Free Trade Agreement talks between the EU and Asean that were suspended almost a decade ago.
Financial Express
A proposed comprehensive free trade agreement between India and Peru covering goods, services and investments may not only raise India’s export volumes to the western South American nation
Global Research
Trump wants even stronger, pro-U.S. business free trade deals to the benefit of U.S. multinational corporations and at the expense of the U.S. trading partners.