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High Court stays £173m international settlement award
The High Court has handed down a judgment which stays enforcement of an international dispute resolution award in Micula v. Romania case
Croatia seeks annulment of UNCITRAL’s INA-MOL ruling before Swiss court
Croatia has lodged a request with the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland for the annulment of an arbitral award in the case INA-MOL
Mexico seeking bilateral free trade deal with NZ in wake of TPP collapse
Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto wants to forge a bilateral free trade agreement with New Zealand and other TPP countries.
Leaked TISA safe harbor proposal: the right idea in the wrong place
A new leak of the TiSA Electronic Commerce chapter has exposed a brand new U.S. government proposal on Internet intermediary safe harbors.
East Africa: Is the collapse of the Economic Partnership Agreement looming?
As it stands now, the Economic Partnership Agreement with the East African Community seems to have hit a dead end.
South Africa and EU spar over chicken meat ‘dumping’
South Africa’s poultry industry says it is on the brink of collapse due to hotly-denied accusations that the European Union is dumping cheap chicken in the country in a dispute over free trade.
A case for trade enforcement: Colombia and intellectual property
President Trump and members of his administration have talked about the need to be tougher on trade enforcement
EU, Mexico accelerate talks to update free trade pact
The European Union and Mexico have set two new rounds of trade talks in the first half of 2017.
Posisi tawar Indonesia dalam EU-CEPA dipertanyakan
Sejumlah kelompok masyarakat sipil yang tergabung dalam Masyarakat Sipil Untuk Keadilan Ekonomi mempertanyakan posisi tawaran Indonesia dalam perundingan perjanjian perdagangan bebas dengan negara Uni Eropa yang tergabung dalam Comprehensive Economic Parthenership Agreement (EU-CEPA).
RCEP: More relevant now than ever for Asean
The RCEP’s challenge for Asean is to balance different ambition levels among the negotiating parties.
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer obtains ICSID victory for Republic of Costa Rica in Spanish investor’s emissions control dispute
The dispute arose out of a concession contract for the mandatory safety inspection and emissions control of motor vehicles.
African leaders agree deal on continental free trade
This agreement is in furtherance of the commitment made by African leaders in Addis Ababa in 2012 towards the establishment of the CFTA.
Wildlife protection: Leveraging the EU-Japan trade deal
The EU-Japan trade deal is an opportunity to encourage Japan to stop flouting multilateral environmental agreements.
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples
The report provides an analysis of the impacts of international investment agreements on the rights of indigenous peoples.
"In Chinese investment treaties, questions arise on who qualifies for protection"
Despite recent criticism from some quarters concerning the use of investment treaties and free trade agreements, the Chinese investment treaty system remains firmly in place.
New Melanesian FTA to demolish economic walls
Fiji has signed a new version of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with its member countries
US’ withdrawal no cause for celebration with Malaysia’s anti-TPPA groups
Local critics are not rejoicing over the United States’ withdrawal from the TPP deal, cautioning instead that the trade pact may be revived or survive in other forms.
Bye-bye BITs? Poland reviews its investment policy
Poland is clearly sceptical regarding investment protection granted by BITs containing an ISDS system in a current form.
Churchill mulls response over tribunal costs
Churchill Mining continues to see whether there are grounds to seek a revision of annulment of costs awarded against the company.
Austria: Anti CETA, TTIP petition signed by 562,000
An Austrian petition against EU free trade agreements with the United States and Canada has been signed by 562,000 people.