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Comment: Selling the proposal for a multilateral investment court to the world
In reality, the EU’s plans are not realistic in the current international context, nor will they appease ISDS critics
Trump aide reassures Canada on trade talks, isolating Mexico
The U.S. and Canada are signaling most of the pain from reworking Nafta will hit Mexico
Surat Terbuka Masyarat Sipil Terkait Putaran Kedua Perundingan Kerjasama Ekonomi Komprehensif Indonesia-Uni Eropa (I-EUCEPA)
Organisasi masyarakat sipil dari Indonesia, ASEAN, dan Eropa menyerukan tuntuan untuk mengadakan negosiasi ulang. Pertimbangan terhadap segi sosial, lingkungan, dan hak asasi manusia wajib diutamakan di atas perdagangan bebas dan pemberian perlindungan bagi industri transnasional.
Mexico president says seeks to preserve tariff-free NAFTA trade
Mexico’s President that he will aim to preserve tariff-free commerce under NAFTA and will also seek bilateral deals with countries that formed part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
India rejects attempts by EU, Canada for global investment agreement
India, along with Brazil, Argentina and some other nations, has rejected an informal attempt by the European Union and Canada to work towards a global investment agreement that would incorporate a contentious ISDS mechanism.
On failing TTIP, Orbán urges new Hungary-U.S. pact
The Hungarian government is seeking to sign a “new” trade pact with the United States as the planned TTIP “will not happen”
#StopCETA: Thousands protest EU-Canada trade deal in demos across Europe
Protesters in more than a dozen European states have taken to the streets in scheduled demonstrations against the yet-to-be-approved CETA trade agreement
Trump withdraws US from Trans-Pacific Partnership deal
US president formally pulls US out of massive 12-nation trade deal that covers 40 percent of world’s economy.
Iran’s accession to ICSID: What to expect?
Joining the ICSID will enhance international perceptions of Iran as a welcoming country to invest.
China hopes to work with Philippines to finalise RCEP trade talks
Chinese Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng said China wants to work together with the Philippines to conclude the regional RCEP trade talks
Fonterra welcomes new trade talks with Sri Lanka
Fonterra has welcomed the announcement that New Zealand and Sri Lanka will progress discussions on new trade and investment opportunities.
TPP’s failure will not curtail Malaysia’s trade
Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Ahmad Maslan said that Malaysia was ready with other alternatives, such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
Intensifying global crisis and conflict
On behalf of monopoly firms and local elites, imperialist states have been competing to rewrite international and national legal systems and regulations through trade and investment agreements
Walking the fine line between IP and public health
The rise of a protectionist US under President Donald Trump, may have long-term implications on India’s public health objectives
Japan ratifies TPP despite bleak outlook under Trump
Japan ratified the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, hours before the inauguration of Donald Trump as U.S. president.
New Zealand and Sri Lanka to consider free trade agreement
New Zealand and Sri Lanka will open diplomatic posts in each other’s nations and are considering a free trade agreement
Can Japan lead Asia’s economic order?
Tokyo can be a champion of the economic order if Abe is prepared to lead.
Labor and nonprofit groups priority for NAFTA reform
To create good-paying jobs, eliminate threats to our communities and otherwise benefit the majority, NAFTA must be replaced with an agreement that includes these essential changes.
Japan, Vietnam to cooperate on TPP
The leaders of Japan and Vietnam shared a desire to see the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal put into force at an early date