The Globe And Mail
What does Mr. Trump think about the constitution-like rights for the protection of foreign investors that are enforced via the system of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS)?
The Globe and Mail
The Americans want to discuss country of origin rules and the independent dispute-settlement mechanism.
Business Standard
Approval for the talks was given by the Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Citizens Trade Campaign
Any renegotiation process must be transparent and participatory, and that the resulting NAFTA replacement must improve peoples’ lives and livelihoods and protect the environment in all three countries.
American Shipper
The United States and Paraguay recently negotiated the Trade and Investment Framework Agreeement, establishing a platform for the two countries to discuss a range of bilateral economic issues.
Malaya Business Insight
Bigger countries are potentially derailing the progress of this regional economic agreement being negotiated between the 10 Asean countries and their six FTA partners – Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea.
Washington Post
But the mere act of renegotiating our trade deals doesn’t automatically mean the outcome will benefit the workers.
Mining Weekly
The Indian government has been served with a notice for international arbitration by the United Arab Emirates’ Ras Al-Khaimah Investment Authority