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Commission proposes reinstating Sri Lankan trade concession
The European Commission proposed that the bloc reinstates a trade concession to Sri Lanka as an incentive to the government to promote human rights and good governance.
Croatia to appeal UNCITRAL ruling in dispute with MOL over INA
Croatia’s government said it will appeal the ruling of the Arbitral Tribunal which dismissed Croatia’s claims against Hungary’s MOL in a case concerning Croatian oil and gas company INA
New Zealand woos GCC states for FTA
Trade Minister Todd McClay will visit Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to press for a conclusion to the free trade negotiations between New Zealand and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).
New Zealand-S Korea FTA enters second phase
Cross-border tariffs between New Zealand and Korea were scaled back further with the second installment of tax cuts under their free trade agreement.
The rise and fall of mega trade deals
Panel discussing the rise and fall of major trade deals.
Will China become a leader in global trade during the Donald Trump administration?
With the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement, China has an opportunity to be an agenda-setter and demonstrate leadership on global trade.
European lawmakers vote to pursue tar sands oil friendly trade deal with Canada
EU lawmakers voted for the European Parliament to push ahead with a trade deal that could encourage Canadian tar sand oil imports and make it easier for energy companies to sue governments when environmental policies threaten their profits.
Ten things you need to know about TiSA
While global attention has been focused on other trade deals, such as the failed TPP, governments and corporations have been working hard to push through the Trade in Services Agreement” (TiSA).
Launch of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) Investment Arbitration Rules 2017
The Singapore International Arbitration Centre launched its Investment Arbitration Rules 2017, potentially marking a new chapter in the institutional administration of investor-State arbitration proceedings.
Case comment: Pac Rim Cayman LLC v. El Salvador
Pac Rim Cayman LLC thwarted in attempt to recover damages from El Salvador
EU dithers on renewing pact with India, uncertainties over investment protection after April
India had signed a total of 83 bilateral investment treaties (BITs) since 1994, including those with some of the EU members.
India starts negotiations with Eurasian Economic Union to establish free trade area
Negotiations between India and the Eurasian Economic Union regarding the establishment of a free trade area will start in the year 2017.
Trilateral FTA talks held in Beijing
The 11th round of negotiations for a trilateral free trade agreement between China, Japan, and South Korea was held in Beijing on January 11.
Winter is coming: investment arbitrations striking Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina (“BiH”) is generally perceived as a good emerging market for investment.
Trump, Tillerson, NAFTA, Mexico and oil companies
The NAFTA case will show how the new administration will deal with national debates and the role of the U.S. finding new ways of leading in international trade and investment.
Sri Lanka seeks tripartite arrangement for trade and investment with India and Singapore
Sri Lanka is keen to establish a tripartite arrangement for trade and investment with India and Singapore, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Harsha de Silva has said.
Will the RCEP morph into another TPP?
In highlighting that the drafts of many of its key chapters are substantially similar to those of the TPP, Sanya Reid Smith warns that the RCEP may end up as a replica of the former.
The world isn’t waiting for Trump on trade
The RCEP, which pointedly excludes the U.S., would allow China much more influence to set regional trade rules and norms.
India opposes Sri Lanka’s bid to shape ETCA to suit political exigencies
Sri Lankan side is pressing the Indians to make certain concessions explicitly to enable it sell the pact to the Sri Lankan masses
Croatia to pay 30 million dollars for lost arbitration with MOL?
Unfavourable arbitration ruling means that Croatia will have to cover most of the costs.